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Shuheng Hu Aurelius314
curious enthusiastic girl with a penchant for mischief
P K R N Ganesh pkrnganesh
Full-Stack Engineer, ReactJS Developer, and Django Python Programmer
Leveraging AWS, Lambda, EventBridge, MongoDB, Express, Vercel, Node.ts, SWC, JWT, Vite, esbuild, TailwindCSS, Netlify, pnpm, Cloudflare, SendGrid, VSCode, GPT4o
Icaro Lordes Icarolordes-dev
Sou Ícaro, um programador iniciante em transição de carreira e muito sonhador. 👨🏾‍💻🔆

Vila Velha, ES



Zahra Alshehabi zsh811
A computer engineer who has a passion for creating innovative solutions that address real-world problems, through the power of smart & sustainable engineering.


student of bupt

bupt bupt

ilo slophisticated
undergraduate cs major
Zhanghao Chen EOR404
I am a student of Guilin Institute of Information Technology, I am eager to learn on GitHub and contribute my part to this community.

Guilin Institute of Information Technology 9 Yantu Road, Lingui District, Guilin City, Guangxi Province

Dally astro-dally
Enthusiastic debugger💻, and open-source enthusiast 🚀, constantly exploring new tech horizons🌟
Sergi Salido SergiSalido
Computer Science Engineer interested in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
Charles Brown charlieb00

Cisco Systems Portland, OR

Konstantinos Tournas ctournas
AI & ML Engineer | Passionate about NLP

Thessaloniki, Greece

Chengzhe Zhang haimianxing
My name is Chengzhe Zhang. Master of Software, Beihang University. Research interests: NLP.
Nourredine nourredine1981

Nourredine Healthcare Brienne Le Chateau Brienne le Chateau

Flavio Moura flmoura

São Paulo - SP - Brazil

Taha Ghadiyali tahaghadiyali
Electronics undergrad | Wannabe low-level enthusiast
A Chinese Guy Loves Lionel Messi

Yunnan University China

Zhou Zehang zeusshy
I am zehangzhou,a student in Fujian University of Technology, "I am eager to learn on GitHub and contribute my part to this community.''

Fujian University of Technology 福建省福州市闽侯县上街镇学府南路69号