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Meliksah Yorulmazlar meliksahyorulmazlar
Computer Science @ Rensselaer

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New York

Stian Emil Tvedt tvedtstian020288
$ NO

Rex Rex2501

Rex-2501 台灣

غزال MamlakatAlGhzalan
آلُـۜسـۨۚ(✋)ــِۖلُأمٌ ؏ـليۜـ(💜)ـكـۜم وݛحـٍّْـٍّْ⁽😘₎ـٍّْمهہ الًـًٍۖـٍـٍۖ(☝)ٍۖـًٍٍٍّـًٍلۖهًٍۖۂ وبـۗـۗـۗـۗـۗـۗركۧۧــۧۧۧۧۧـۗـۗ(ۗ😇)ـۗـۗاتهۂ

مۣۗـۙمۣۗـۙلَكۣۗـۙةّ آلَغۣۗـۙڗلَآنۣۗـۙ

Khánh Ngô khanhngoo
Just wandering around -_-


Eliot Lee swooshoo
math @ UCR ||| seeking new grad data analyst / python developer roles!
Thien Nguyen thiennguyen8
改善 - 1% better every day | Life-long learning

Ho Chi Minh City

Bohdan Lukianets bohdanaims

bohdan.AI New York

Completed BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Touhidul Islam Islamic University of Technology

Seabass Skizzylitmas
Lil bit about myself
Giorgi Meskhidze GIgako19929

Giorgi Meskhidze New York

Shaik Achukatla Aslam Ahammad AslamAhammad01
"As a dedicated Computer Science (AIML) B.Tech student, I'm on a relentless journey to explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence

MOHAN BABU UNIVERSITY Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh

Samuel Menezes Samuelmenezes8
Hellow World! Meu nome é Samuel Menezes. Estou trabalhando como clt na área adm e estou migrando de área para a programação que sempre foi o meu sonho.
Peter Oluwasegun Petersheg
Software developer.

Sycamore NG Lagos /Ibadan Nigeria

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Luisfelipe albyTechltda
Sou luis felipe tenho 18 anos, moro em poa sou apaixonado por programação, procurando oportunidade

alby tech LTDA rio grande sul

Sophie Wong panda667
What languages I know how to code in: »Blockly and Blockly-based (Scratch) »HTML/CSS/JS »Python
EthNetsky ethnetsky
Hi! My nickname is EthNetsky im from Argentina.

PatagoniaHack -- CTF Team Argentina