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İsa Kulaksız isakulaksiz

Halkbank Istanbul, Turkey

Billy Xi Droxico
I love doing lines of code.

Trench Inc. Shenzhen, China

CHAEYOON KIM kcyoon689

Seoul, South Korea

Miguel mortiz-dev

Nebuluxs Capital Federal, Buenos AIres

Clark Terry apollon282
I am a senior full stack software engineer with 9 years of experience. contact me with discord: carlostina34_3

Baxter Spring ,KS

Serge Martel unsetopt
Not to go back is somewhat to advance, and men must walk, at least, before they dance.

Take-D Missouri City, TX

Ahmed Ehab AhmedEgela

UST in Zewail City Giza, Egypt

Chulong Li Chulong-Li
Aspiring software engineer @microsoft, focusing on building large-scale data processing and distributed systems

@Microsoft Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

Girish Kulathumani Girish-K01
Hello world, This is Girish K

Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai India

Runmin Gan RunminGan1218
I'm Runmin Gan

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

谭宏闻 twenis
Developer, traveler, technology enthusiast, working on my own startup.

The Startup Shanghai ↔ Singapore

Dulé Ge Gedule
Security Solution Engineer for Linux/Unix.

Auditing, Hardening, Compliance Neuss Weissenberg

OftenGuy OftenUser
Just a boring black and white "thing" who's here often.

Nunya Biznis

Jiaxuan Luo luojiaxuan
Don't let time slip away.
Chi-Kuang Yeh chikuang
A random daydreamer.

McGill University, University of Waterloo Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Neeresh Kumar Perla neeresh
PhD Student at @UMass Lowell interested in machine learning and computer vision

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth United States of America

Graduate Student at Stanford University

Stanford, CA

λf. (λx. f (x x))(λx. f (x x))

yo-lara Brazil

Łikhon Sheikh sheikh-developer
Hi, I'm Likhon Sheikh | Developer & Author | @likhonsheikhcodes & @likhonsheikh54 | Part of @likhon-dev | Contributing @RektDevelopers ‼️

Khulna, Bangladesh

Dufera, Amanuel Tafese Emmanuel9012
Robot Vision. Visual SLAM for Mobile Robots

Xi'an Jiaotong University

焦糖马里奥 CaramelMario

AGL Beijing

Harry Watson watanaberyunosuke
Improving human society through technology.

Halo Labs Melbourne

lightyisu lightyisu
Where the lightyisu builds software~ 2019-2025 | 好玩周刊🎉 | Currently a student at AHU


Nguyễn Văn Toàn noaft
Enjamin Franklin — 'If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him'. Meow meow

Đại học Công Nghệ Thông Tin - ĐHQG TP.HCM Ho Chi Minh

Dr Francesco Dergano raccomandino
CEO of Skydatasol—Managing Principal of @kamiwebproject—Lead Research Manager and CISO of The National Security Framework —Full-Time Student in London

kamiwebproject London

Mingming Chen meanchen
Mean == Justice. Data Lover. Nitpicker.

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Shenzhen, CN