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Nico Baier nbbaier
Independent linguist based in Chicago. PhD from Berkeley. I've also taught at McGill and UBC. I pretend to hate puns but I really don'

BOLD Inc. Chicago

Chickenlittle tamalaf
Curious Learning Loyal

Thlaff Houston Texas

Brittny Lapierre brittnylapierre
Full Stack Developer | UX Evangelist | Project Manager

Canadian Research Knowledge Network Ottawa

narrativus narrativus
Alejandro Berrizbeitia

Paris, France

Sarah M Lorehouse
Old English scholar and Python student working on linguistic annotation projects as well as a contributor to the @digitaltolkien
Lior Hirschfeld lhirschfeld
I am a student at MIT studying Computer Science and Mathematics. I have most experience with Python and Javascript.
Yulia yulqui

St. Petersburg, Russia

Anne Bertran anneklein7
24, she/her. Technical writing, Java, Python. Loves game narrative, translation, sound design and graphic design.

London, UK

Justin Keena jwkeena
Application UI Developer, Classicist, Professor of Ancient Philosophy. Also, nerd.
Connor Boyd connorboyd

@wealthfront San Francisco, CA

James Tauber jtauber
Python and Web developer using linguistics, data science, and open source software to help people better understand languages and texts.

Signum University Greater Boston Area, US

Damian Romero damian-romero
Computational Linguistics / AI / EdTech / Gamer