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Adrian Luis Ferrer Hernández aluislfh
B.Sc. Meteorology & Atmospheric Science (Experience with WRF, MPAS and Calmet-Calpuff models. Data Assimilation. Programming in Python, GrADS, Fortran, HTML&JS)
Walkercito Walkercito
Hello! 👋 I’m Walkercito, turning coffee ☕ and code into real-world solutions 🚀

🌍 Coding from Cienfuegos, Cuba

Alexandr Katrazhenko xandrkat
Life is knowledge and experience, This is an endless path of self-improvement and development, Since, the more I know, the more I want to know, The mind lead


Gabriel Alejandro López López glpzzz
One ; at a time

@daxslab Cienfuegos, Cuba