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Farhan Yuda Pahlevi pahlevikun
Fullstack Software Engineer @gojek (Senior Mobile Engineer - Flutter Dart, iOS Swift, Android Kotlin | Backend - Go, Ruby, Java, PHP, Elixir | Kotlin KMP)

@gojek - Merchant Platform Bogor, Indonesia

Jonathan Rodrigues jonathanarodr

Software Engineer at @picpay São Paulo, Brasil

ShenYj ShenYj
I came, I saw , I conquered.


jlca wootsbot
Doing this 'n' that.

@dd3tech Guerrero

Nicolás Fernández nicolasFernandez
iOS Developer trabajando actualmente en Globant. Aficionado a la música y a la electrónica.

@globant Santiago, Chile

Patrick McCarron mccarron
iOS & Mac OS Dev since 2007. Staff Engineer iOS at M1 Finance. ❤️s Chicago, games, cats, gadgets, comedy & Chicago Cubs.

@m1finance Chicago, IL

Andy Frantz andyfrantz
Working as senior software engineer in stage automation industry.

Waagner-Biro Luxembourg Stage Systems S.A. Luxembourg

Engbot engbot
Doing what the humans want me to do.

NexTraq Space

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 seanpm2001
I'm an experienced programmer, with the intent to make the world a much better place, and protect freedoms of the Internet. I am skilled in Python, and web dev.

Self-employed; looking for tips Walla Walla Washington, USA, Earth, Milky way, <Universe>

Tino Siegmund Desnoo
DevOps @CrowdArchitects.

@CrowdArchitects Ilmenau

ΛBDUL HΛJIYΞV abdulhajiyev
Web Developer ◢◤ Self-taught CG Artist

Eigen LTD Earth

marz marzvrover
Senior Partner Engineer @github

New York, NY

RP rpadma

WHOOP Boston, MA

Wiktor Wójcik wiktorwojcik112
I like computers.


Márcio Abrantes AbrantesMar
iOS and .NET developer. MTA, MCP, CSM. let's go to the codes

Recife Pernambuco

Sagar Giri girisagar46
Software Engineer at @octoenergy (Japan 🇯🇵 )

@octoenergy Tokyo, Japan

Engin Diri dirien

Pulumi Heilbronn, Germany

Dominik Mertz pixelmanya
I love to code & design UIs for the web. 🦄

@woltapp @creditornot Berlin, Germany

Kelly Vernon kvernon
A dedicated team player; mentoring peers and building outstanding products. I'm all about growing people and making customers feel awesome. API, ReST, Frontend

Austin, TX

Nurielly Caroline Brizola nurycaroline
👩🏻‍💻 CTO & Dev Fullstack Javascript Gaspar - SC - Brasil

Ernesto ernesto
Software Engineer
Chindriș Mihai Alexandru chindris-mihai-alexandru
memento mori

Siemens Romania Cluj-Napoca

Digital Grey Hat DigitalGreyHat
I build.

@opencode-me ::1

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Kevin kevnm67
iOS Architect, Mobile DevOps and Release Train Engineer

@NexTraq Atlanta, GA

Alan Schio schirrel
Fuller, go easy on the pepsi.

@bairesdev @lulusdev Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil

Hector De Diego hectorddmx
iOS developer. Also @Lecksfrawen Flutter, Elixir and Python enthusiast.

Distillery Mexico City

coffee to code converter

@deliveryhero Singapore

Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

Franco Meloni f-meloni

@facebook Cagliari

Snazzah Snazzah
internet wildcat


김지훈 maakcode
A Frontend engineer building cyberspace. Native iOS, React Native and Web.

@Postype Seoul, Republic of Korea