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huaydin hu8813
I am nobody. Nobody is perfect!

Vienna, Austria

Luca Corsetti ilcors-dev
🎓 Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering 🔜 Master's degree currently in wip

Bologna, Italy

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Web3 dev / Data Scientist / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Manuel Rech manuelrech
generative AI developer, Statistics student
Giuseppe Rizzo wilderse
I am a computer science passionate and I am happy to find out e learn new things
Vitaliy Didyk MrTartuf0
Just a 19-year-old student who is passionate about web-development, 3D printing, digital-design, open hardware projects, and functional software development.


Carlos Lozano carloslozanouib
It's time to improve

University of Bologna Bologna, Italy

Dario Bekic wuacs
CS, math and stuff.
Emmanuel Torres manu-tgz
Computer Science student at @matcom and University of Florence.


Thiago Raulino Dal Pont thiagordp
PhD candidate in Automation and Systems Engineering

UFSC Florianópolis

Luis Barca Luisbp27
Always fighting with my code.


Michele Righi mikyll
MSc in Computer Engineering at Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Game dev & open source enthusiast

San Marino

ma3ti ma3ti
Computer Science student


Filippo Bucciarelli aka-buccia
Information Science for Management student at @unibo
Francesco Maria Fuligni francescofuligni
Currently studying Computer Science and Management at University of Bologna... and enjoying coding!

University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum Based in Bologna, Italy

Erik Dervishi ErikDervishi03
University of Bologna


Giovanni Pedrelli giopedro92
Physics student @unibo

Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi" Bologna, Italy

sam sxmg0
electronics engeneer student at Alma Mater Studiorum


Alessandro Folloni alessandrofolloni
MSc student of Artificial Intelligence at Unibo.

Reggio Emilia

Elena puzzoz
Artist 🎨🧵🪡 endl cs student @ unibo 🤓👨‍💻📚
Mauro Amico mamico
CTO @RedTurtle Computer program composer, producer, arranger and director. Area of specialty is www (although I also worked in a variety of genres).


Lucia LuciaGasperini
• 💻 Computer Engineer • 🧠 Master's Student in Artificial Intelligence at Alma Mater Studiorum (Unibo) - Bologna


Alex Rossi Axelredx
Hi there! I'm currently a CS student at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy. Hope you like my projects! 🥇 🔢


Francesco Baiocchi francescobaio
Artificial Intelligence Student @ Unibo

University of Bologna Bologna, Italy