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LoveDurian LoveDurian
I come from China. Welcome to China.
Noor Bayari NoorBayari

@NADSoft-dev Amman, Jordan

Jose rjose99
young padawan
Lam Tran lamteteeow
M.Sc Computational Engineering at FAU, Germany. #SciVis #MedTech #Simulation

Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg on screen

Asif Basha Mohammad asifbasha-mohammad

@Synopsys-SIG-RnD Hyderabad

Ashutosh Sajan AshutoshSajan
Full Stack (MERN) developer.


Selo Selonian83
Je suis en apprentissage en attendant un retour a l'ecole ... j'explore
Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
Richard Collins rbcollins123

Intelligent Visibility, Inc. 28012

Stefan LeBel stefanlebel
Engineer, scientist, hobby programmer.

Montreal, Canada

Diego kn1ghtm0nster
Full-Stack Software Engineer @ WF Really bad at games. Even worse at writing while loops.

Charlotte, NC

vishal hirawat hirawatt
Writing software and building gizmos!

planet earth

Paolo tspaolorus
Paolo Russignan
Dimitris Gkoulis gkoulis
PhD Candidate, Harokopio University of Athens

Software Force Athens, Greece

wooley wooley
Venturing into the AI domain, one discovers its limits.

Phnom Penh,Cambodia

Jackson jacks0n9
Nothing in my bio cause I can't think of anything non-cringe to say.

Null, null

houseme houseme
open source houseme Contact mail


Abdulhamit Kumru mrkaurelius


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
unosamuno unosamuno
Digital Engineer


Jared Grippe jaredatron Grass Valley, CA, USA

Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Nils nilswald


Ellis Breen griels
Software Developer and Aspiring Entrepreneur

CapDeColla Manchester, UK

Alexandre Dias de Souza alldias
Sou Analista Desenvolvedor de Sistemas, com alguns anos de experiência e apaixonado por tecnologia

FabSoft Soluções em Informática Sumaré/SP