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Tracy B tlbadger09
Just an Insurance Agent trying to grow my business 😉

Badger Health Insurance LLC

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Finn Fu wenxxxxfu

Sophgo Shanghai

Lance ylx-lance
Embeded AI\Auto Pilot\DSP\ARM

dji shenzhen

Aspirin pikazjp

iRobot Shanghai

Jeanne Willis liW-J
Not defined.

Fudan University Shanghai

Minhal loveminhal
CTFer, Satllite&Embedded&Vehicle Security Researcher, focus on hardware and firmware protection.

Riscure China

Clo91eaf Clo91eaf
Persist in long-termism, and do what is difficult but right.

Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study,UCAS Hangzhou, China

phial3 phial3
Software engineer, coding in C & Rust, Java. Expertise: Architecture design, Concurrent programming, Performance optimization and Cryptography

Princeton University Beijing · China

Tinyu Tinyu-Zhao
Developer ⸱ C++ ⸱ Python. And also interested embedded system & IoT like Arduino / ESP32...


Estel BedrockDigger

@cdlug @DerpLab @kangdom München | 成都 | Πολιτεία

Sakura286 Sakura286
If I have to do this, I'll do this right.
Han Gao RevySR
I Love BSD | avatar form yuichi_hiiragi. Revy/Rabenda is me.

@revyos Shanghai, China

Icenowy Zheng Icenowy
AOSC OS developer that is rarely active. Linux kernel tier 299792458 contributor. A magical girl ;-)

@plctlab @AOSC-Dev CAN

Yunkun Liao liaoyunkun
| PHD Student@ICT,CAS[2020-] | | Bachelor-MicroEE@SJTU[2016-2020] | | Computer Architecture | | ASIC/FPGA Design | | RDMA | | SmartNIC/DPU |

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science Beijing

Enze Gao GaoKuaiidian

Peking University Beijing

Xiaochong Huang huangxc6

Peking University Beijing

Repair tesla car and also write a little code
Sophia Ramirez yangchengjun
Hi, I'm Sophia Ramirez! I'm a student passionate about learning and growing. I aim to make a positive impact in the world.