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Alexandra Cruz AlexandraCruz
I'm a Software Engineer from Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic

Igor de campos igorcampos-dev
👨‍💻 Desenvolvedor Java

LoopIt Sou de Canoas/RS

Computer Engineer.

Republic of Korea, Seoul

Pratik Gaur pratik-gaur
Hello there! I am a Software engineering professional who is always looking to make an impact on a big scale.

Berlin, Germany


OTAC SC Mexico

Rishabh Singh anonymousr007
Founder @hilbertquantum | Quantum Physics Educator at @QuTLab

@hilbertquantum @QuTLab India

Trapeznikov Stanislav KoeGoorn
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Jon Salter jmsalter

@mesosphere Berkshire

Harto Lie Sudianto asenlie528
Otodidact, hobby on web programming, php, javascript

Papua, Indonesia

Michael MichaelSemenov
C++, Java, C# software engineer

BSUIR Republic of Belarus


Sofia, Bulgaria

Mduduzi Tshabalala MduduziSiyabongaTshabalala
Aspiring Full stack engineer. Student at ALX Software engineering programme. Pretoria Mahube valley

Rana Banerjee banerRana

Automated It Solutions Washington, DC

mosruss tongqingyu
A student who is pursuing a master degree of electrical and computer engineering in the university of florida.

Gainesville Florida

YoungHo Cha Cha-Young-Ho
BackEnd Developer


Antony AntonSaurytski83
Java / AEM Certified Architect


Eliot xutongtong
backend as a service.

No Company GuangDong ShenZhen


Inetum tunisia

Raaj Kanchan iamraajkanchan
Over 4 Years of Experience in Android Development. I have a hands on experience in Java, Kotlin and the list goes..

QuantsApp Private Limited Mumbai, India