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Eleftherios Mainas emainas
Theoretical & Computational Chemist. Currently working as Postdoctoral Researcher at UNC@ChapelHill.

@PieriLab Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jeevan B GC jeevanbgc
Computational Chemistry Scientist

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, MA

Markus Rauhalahti mrauha
independent researcher (applied metascience and HCI) :: phd in computational chemistry :: nerding hard
Parveen Gartan pga043
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry | Postdoctoral researcher

University of Bergen Norway

Christina Ertural QuantumChemist
Full-stack Quantum Chemist, PostDoc at @BAMresearch, autoplex ( dev, former LOBSTER ( dev. Berlin, Germany

Laurence Midgley lollcat
Generative models for accelerated molecular dynamics.

University of Cambridge San Francisco / Cape Town / Cambridge

Gabriel da Hora gabedahora
Postdoc Researcher @UofU

University of Utah Salt Lake City

Miles MilesYyh
Still in the process of continuous improvement,


Guillaume Gaullier Guillawme

Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden

Nick Semenkovich semenko
Physician Scientist (MD, PhD) | Dad⁴ | @mcwdsi via @mit / Brigham and Women's / WashU

Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Hassan gammaploid
ML and science enthusiast
Xiang Zhong zhongxiang117
Anything matters, anything values.

University of Miami

SuiAn WonderSeven
Ph.D. student

City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Suhaib Shekfeh shekfeh
Medicinal chemistry/Computational chemistry/Bioinformatics/Cheminformatics
Takshan Takshan
An enthusiast young researcher fascinated by bioinformatics, biology-applied computer science and data analysis

University Medicine Greifswald Germany

Kirubakaran Palani pkiruba
Computer-aided drug design, AI/ML, Molecular dynamics, Chemoinformatics

Houston, TX

José Renato joserdf
Master's student at @gmmsb-lncc | Computational Chemistry

National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC/MCTI) @gmmsb-lncc

Taka iwatobipen
I'm Medicinal Chemist a/o Chemoinformatitian in mid. size pharmaceutical company in Japan. My hobby is programming, running and Volleyball.


NhungVu NhungVu910

SungKyunKwan University Suwon, Korea

Ajay Khanna Ajaykhanna
Postdoctoral Research Associate at Los Alamos National Lab (LANL)

Los Alamos National Lab Los Alamos, New Mexico

Jannik Buhr jmbuhr
Computational Biochemist

Heidelberg University; HITS gGmbH Heidelberg

Gang Tang obaica
Associate Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology ([email protected]).

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China

James Lingford jlingford
Curious about protein structure and function

Melbourne, Australia

Alex Maldonado aalexmmaldonado
Postdoc for accessible method development and open educational resources for computational structural biology

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA

Shuai Yan MarshallYan
Ph.D. student at Weill Cornell Medicine

Weill Cornell Medicine New York, New York, USA

Darvesh Gorhe dgorhe
Bioinformatics @ Jovanovic Lab

Columbia University New York, NY

Jake Carter jake-aft
Stuff with Data, Products, Agile, and Block-Chain/Distributed Ledger Technologies, Biomedical and Recovering FX, Rates and Futures/Options trading

Amdens LLC Salt Lake City

AJ Book SecondBook5
Graduate Research Assistant, Advanced Computing and Oncology Lab, MSKCC | Bioinformatics Graduate Student at Johns Hopkins University.

Johns Hopkins University

Ally Smith aksmith23
PhD candidate @Deredge-Lab developing open-source tools for integrating experimental HDX-MS data with molecular dynamics simulations

University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Pharmacy