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Juan Camilo Salazar juan-c-s
Young, passionate developer eager to learn and find new opportunities. Currently studying Computer Science, and actively ICPC competitor.
Vedit veditp8

Greensboro, NC

Santiago González Siordia SantiagoSiordia
JavaScript Junkie

Guadalajara, Jalisco

Shahriar Shojib shahriar-shojib
0.1x Developer

@Getonnet Dhaka, Bangladesh

Nabil El Ouahabi digitalu
We simplify how marketplaces are built.
Arghya Ghosh uiuxarghya
Full Stack Developer🔹Aspiring SDE🔹Java & JavaScript lover🔹A guy who makes all kinds of cool & fun stuff🔹Building @javaistic & @superiorstack, @edgexhq

@GDG-OnCampusTMSL, @dynodevs, @edgexhq, @superiorstack India

Hi, I'm Vishrut donda I'm a Smart Contract Developer 👨‍💻 with more than 12 months of experience in blockchain technology⚡.

Ami infotech India

Ryo Lambert ryolambert
Senior Full-Stack Engineer, Raspberry Pi Fanatic, Keyboard Collector, Digital Creative.


Rahat Hosen rahathosen
Think deeply about the UI, how it looks, feels, and behaves.

TechSand Dhaka, Bangladesh

abe Han abehan7
Frontend Developer
Shady Al Shoha shadyshoha
CTO of NexusGPT | Prev. co-founder @ Digitalu. 💬

@bridge-codes Brussels