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Mohamed El Banna melbanna40
Senior Mobile Developer (Android Native ,Flutter)

GateTechs Cairo


Xi’an JiaoTong University

tianli zengtianli
after theniceboy and zhoutengye~ have fun.Passionate about coding and software development, specializing in Python and utilizing the power of Vim

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

Amano Fuon asfuon
The projector is a cliff of language, leaping down from the tower of typology.

@alphayou Hangzhou, CN

Innei Innei
Indie Developer, using @archlinux, building with @nodejs @nestjs. Making @mx-space. Coding with love. ex-REDer. Gen-Z

@NaturalSelectionLabs In a dream

plyght plyght
your basic coder. master procrastinator, and clinically insane

Washington-Liberty High School Washington, DC

Chunyu epeiuss
To follow the light of infinite possibilities.

@waterflames-team Fuzhou, Fujian, China

Arthals zhuozhiyongde
Stay perfect, Stay wonderful.

Peking University, Med & CS Beijing, China

Yeqi Huang Chivier
A cloudherd at Edinburgh.

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh

CaiCai hi-caicai
A product manager, designer, and one of the founders of Yuque. Now, I am embarking on an exciting journey as a new entrepreneur

Mind Bicycle Canada

wusphinx wusphinx
less is more

Hangzhou, China


SAP Shanghai

Jk Xu Dousir9
The New Road

ECNU Shanghai

蝉闹外 channely

earth Iron Lion


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Scott9(阵雨) catwithtudou

@bytedance beijing