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Ayslan Batista AyslanBatista
Offensive Security | Pentester | Malware Analysis | Exploit Development | Python | Learning Rust


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


adib ttps-byte

Brasil, São paulo

Felipe fbsilvaRP
Study, code, repeat.
sm1l3 sm1l3333
Back-end developer
Adriel Adriel007
Web Dev Full Stack and passionate with ML and Cyber Sec (OffSec)


not a bugs busy bounties

Alberto Magno cybermakerbr
I'm a dedicated enthusiast and researcher, always striving to understand the latest innovations in Pentesting, Red Teaming, and hardware hacking/electronics dev




octorafa octorafa

The Internet, Earth

Victor Hugo Ferreira Silva victorhfsilva
Full Stack Developer | Pentester


Jardel Matias francoatmega
Darklover, because darkmode is awesome!

Interior do Ceará

Gustavo Gus-fs
I'm a young man who always seeks to learn new things I've always liked learning new things in the world of IT. I've liked tech since I was a child.
Daniel Gonçalves Araujo dandgabr
Security Architect at Dasa Information security content creator

DASA Londrina, PR - Brazil

Rio Ribeiro rioribeirods
22 yo, coffee addicted and studying to become a pentester
0xGeV GetulioVictor
Cybersecurity Analyst | Aspiring Offensive Security Researcher


ianky iankyy
Fullstack Developer
Herberson Miranda hsmiranda
INTJ - Software Architect - Java/Scala Developer - Bitcoin - Cybersecurity - SciFi - Heavy Metal - Trekking

0xTI Brasil

iCairac IsaCairac
Estudante de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas SENAI
Alita 4l174
Cybersecurity Specialist | Personal Data Protection and Digital Governance


Frank E byfranke
Cyber Threat Intelligence | Offensive Security | Security Research

byfranke security Brazil

Hugo Ramos hugoramoss
Junior Android Engineer

London - United kingdom

Liniker Oliveira linikerunk
Fullstack developer in Python / Django / DRF / fastAPI / React.js / Angular.js

Serpens Indaiatuba, SP - Brazil

Rodrigo de França Rofram
Developer Full-stack Web | Mobile Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Kamylla Costa Abd El Jawad KamyllaJawad
Passionate software engineer dedicated to the process of creating high-quality systems and optimizing processes through automation.

Joinville, SC

PhD using Molecular Dynamics to study proteins. Interested in A.I., data science, chemistry, physics, baseball and sabermetrics.
davyd davydmaker


Carlos Henrique Fernandes devhenrique22
Follow the White Rabbit 🐇

Pau dos Ferros - RN

Breno Santana Bruno BrenoSantanaBruno
Sr. Backend Software Engineer

DevStorm São Paulo

Mariana Cristina Dias mariana-cristina-dias
Engenharia de Software - 42SP

São Paulo, São Paulo

Katashi LucasKatashi
Nothing here.

@hakaioffsec Brazil

Mclaren Senna mp4/6 GuilhermeNobrega
Computer Scientist, technology monitor, self-taught and ambitious for knowledge. 🇧🇷

Senado Federal Brasil