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해영 hae02y

VEStellaLab Seoul

후니 jiji-hoon96
난 후니 난 프엔개발자

Hicarenet Seoul

Goldy Yan Cybertaco360
Building a reality within this one...


Filip Wiechowski filipwiech
Software engineer and architect. Distributed, scalable backend services and cloud-native solutions. Go, Rust, JVM (Java/Kotlin/Scala) developer.

@idemia Europe

Yehezkiel Dio Sinolungan yehezkieldio
a perpetually tired software enginseer.

Balikpapan, Indonesia

Pankaj Kumar reelinfinity
Software Developer

Delhi, India

Ernst Salzmann etangreal
ErnstSalzmann(at) Berlin

Dan Percic danpercic86

@DevPlant @BanatIT @gdsc-upt Timisoara, Romania

ROG LuanRoger
I like to create some programming stuffs, maybe play some RPG

Brasil 🇧🇷

Mateus Mendonça mateusememe
Backend Engineer at @luizalabs Computer Scientist 23yo

LuizaLabs Brazil

Bastien Dumont bastiendmt
Software engineer

@Artifeel Lyon

Ahmed Alamodi ahmed-alamodi

@jisr-hr Yemen - Hadramoot - Mukalla

vgoer vgoer

Republic of China YunNan

Conor conorluddy

@Noryai Dublin, Ireland

Noppakorn Kaewsalabnil PunGrumpy
3rd year CS Student at KMITL | Passionate about DevOps, Automation & Scalable Systems

Bangkok, Thailand


Freelancer Bangkok. Thailand ma freaker

Surf Pleiades


techcoder2007 techcoder2007

Albison Tashkent

Dream Big or Go Home💯
Garrett heygarrett
I get to use Neovim for a living


Reco recoluan
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.

MeiTuan BeiJing, China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Charles Cianos (Charlie) ccianos
Wassup friends! I'm Charlie a beautiful Homo Sapien of hominization only for peace. BLM, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, the Working Class, the Poor and the Homeless matter.

Hagginwood, Sacramento, CA

Jade Cong JadeCong
Think and act, Win with respect~

AIRobotics ShenZhen

Aviral Sriavstava aviralSri23455


Sherwood Callaway shcallaway
Make beautiful and meaningful things

@11x San Francisco, CA

Srinivas Srinivaskoruprolu007
Code Eat Sleep Repeat

Capgemini Banguluru

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Michael Gandolfi mgandolfi7

Gandolfi LLC New Orleans

Victor Brito webdevbynight
Someone somewhere as a front-end developer.

Neuilly-sur-Seine, France

Jesús Alejandro Atao JesusAtao96
Frontend Developer (Web & Mobile). Topics of my interest: HTML, CSS [SASS with BEM], Javascript, Node, Angular, React, Vue, Svelte, UX & UI w/ Figma.

Freelance Lima, Perú

Alexey Elizarov beautyfree
Fullstack developer


Shigure Kurosaki kurosakishigure
Bookworm, Developer, Will to Power

@arghena Cupertino, CA