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Revocalors F-777
Student , Frontend Dev

SMK Negeri 4 Malang | Dipa Inhouse Malang, East Java, Indonesia

tcarson cpiprint
Developer from the Windy City.

CPIprint Chicago

Phuwanart Larpmark phuwanart

Femtocom Bangkok, Thailand

Michael Marchand MarchandMD
Rails Engineer | DePaul University - Finance


Raman Ganguly ramanganguly

Ganguly e.U. Sarasdorf

Lucas Salinas LukeSal88

San Francisco, CA

Katya Sarmiento Kitkatnik
Full-Stack Developer using React/Node.js/PostgreSQL currently building applications that assist neurodivergent humans like myself.

Atlanta, GA

Mohamed Magdy m7madmagdy
Ruby on Rails Developer

1Trolley Egypt

Exequiel Rozas erozas

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Steve Hill stevehill1981

@resourceguru Shareshill, West Midlands, UK

Shiccorama shiccorama
Results-driven Full Stack Developer with a strong passion for software programming. Experienced in both frontend and backend technologies. Turkey

Ahmed A. Ibrahim AhmedAliIbrahim
A Software Engineer

1Trolley Cairo , Egypt

Patrick Lafleur patricklafleur
I'm an iOS & Android full stack developer working with Elixir/LiveView, Ruby on Rails, Java and Node.js. I currently work at @TouchTunes.

TouchTunes / Sentiers Trans Quebec Trails / Sentiers Trans Ontario Trails / Création Objet inc. Montreal, Canada

Icaro Ryan Souza icaroryan
Software Engineer

SourceDay Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Henrique Ricardo Figueira HenriqueRicardoFigueira
Software Engineer at CashU.

@cashU-BR São Paulo, São Paulo

Andriy Protsyk aprotsyk

Hoodoo Software Auckland, New Zealand

Omar Luq omarluq
Platform @ Austin, Tx

Kane Jamison kanejamison
Founder at Content Harmony. Working with HTML since 1996, WordPress since 2005, Rails since 2018, Ghost since 2021.

Content Harmony WA State

Burak Ersoy xbersoy
Software Developer at Sisal Digital Hub Turkiye Node.js (TS/JS), Ruby on Rails, EmberJS

@sisal Istanbul, Turkey

Rishabh Singh geeekgod
Engineer | Building quality Software

Engineer Mumbai , India

Mark mrichardsJBOIT
Bit of a techie, I like to know how things work....especially people and processes. Contract and freelancing on interesting and challenging projects.

Torquay, Victoria, Australia

Rainer Borene rainerborene
Founder of Memberkit. Hacking with Ruby, Lua and Vim since 2009.

Memberkit Brazil

Michael Lins michael-lins
I create admin software and websites for companies and non-profit institutions to automate work and provide their clients and associates better user experience.

malvins studio global

Software Developer @nobody190

PrismaIT Coimbra

Paul Bob Paul-Bob

@avo-hq Romania

Aman Pandey salty-ivy
Backend @komorebitech GSoC'24 @django | GSoC'23 @wagtail | member @wagtail @jazzband @django-commons | python | go | async | frameworks

Cityflo Mumbai

Holden Thomas holden

Razorfly, Inc. Krakow, Poland

Adrian Marin adrianthedev
Product-Minded Software Engineer | Author of @avo-hq

@avo-hq Bucharest, Romania

rizal rizalrinoldi
tech artisan

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

MEZGANI Ali mezgani
P.hD candidate in mathematics applied to cancerology, I have done a lot of work on the IT infrastructure side. (DOS 5.7, 6.0)

Native LABs Morocco

Lucian Ghinda lucianghinda
Polymorphic Senior Ruby Developer, curator of ShortRuby Newsletter. Bucharest

Sílvio Meireles mastersilvio
CTO - Easy Pallet

Easy Pallet Brasil

Gustavo Beathyate beathyate

@Baremetrics Punta del Este, Uruguay

wangxiaobo jisuanjixue
full-stack ruby and like to play basketball. framework: React , Ruby On Rails

Freelance Kun Ming

Abril Jordan Casinillo abriljordan
Learning Ruby and how to make software fail


cuilei cuilei5205189
💻front-end ruby (ex)architect shenzhen

Yordan Santallana yorsant
always learning...

Founder @ Rexie Labs LLC Miami Florida

Douglas Lara douglara

Curitiba/PR - Brasil