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Pablo Miranda PabloHBMiranda

NúcleoGov | @nucleodev Brasil

Ling Siew Win LingSiewWin
Human say I talk like Chatgpt, but I'm using AI tools to solve human problem day by day.

Spencer Boggs spencerboggs
Software Developer

Long Beach, California

Lasse Lauwerys Iemand005
I am a hello

UCLL Belgium

Shailen Sobhee shailensobhee
Shailen is a Technical Product Manager for AI/ML products at AMD

AMD Munich, Germany

ZawawiAI zawawiAI
Work on robotics and artificial intelligence projects

Kuala Lumpur

Chris Creech AWT-CCreech
AirWay || Software Engineer

AirWay Cincinnati

Hector Louis Banda HecBanda
Data Scientist


Michael Sun MichaelSun1001
Master of Communication Engineering, Research Interests:SLAM、Multi-Sensor Fusion、3D/4D Reconstruction、Autonomous Driving、E2E。 Email:[email protected]


DrakPappa JakobssonAndre

Fuyu Games AB

Jesse Hodgson SpaceGameDev568
AvGeek, Photographer, Software Developer, and Satisfactory Modder from Charlotte, NC. Aspiring to join the USAF.

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Yahir MyRLA04
Engineering Student.
finished projects are dead projects, so I leave them unfinished :trollface:

Home localhost:1911

Parker McLeod amd-pamcleod
AMD GPU Architecture Analysis Engineer

@AMD Folsom, CA

Devesh Reddy rdverse

Northern Illinois University Dekalb, Il

MD RAKIBUL ISLAM rakibultron
Full Stack Developer

Dhaka, Bangladesh