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Felipe Alves felipealves06
💻Programming student 🌎Passionate about technology

São Paulo

klaus p kap1793
I am a new software developer with an ardent passion to learn more. I finished a coding bootcamp at Tech Elevator specializing in Full-Stack Java Development.
Jim Lambert jlambert12013
Musician, Beginner Programmer. For three years, I have learned the mainly Javascript (Typescript) and NodeJS. As of 2022, mainly focusing on Swift and C

Mastin Media Montgomery, AL

sAlvo s-campanella
A thug dev and sim racer, an indie guitar player, but also a cute and grooving science person. Tesla was a Physician and DD motors are used for playing vinyls.

Driver seat || wandern || skating; where else?!

Juraj JuraJuki
Front End Engineer - ReactJs 🚀 Continuously improving little by little 🔥 Passionate in Technology & Learning 🌎 Open to Collaboration 🏆

@bornfight Zagreb, Croatia

shane shanezhiu
Talk is cheap,Show me the code.

Globalization Beijing,China

Trent tr-e
Matcha and code 🍵👨‍💻

University Earth

Andy Li theHeadlessGrapes
newbie dev from university of northampton; will become better eventually; likes badminton, cycling, gaming

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Zakaria Gouttel zackgouttel
Face to Face with a man who sold the world
Shubham J SHUBHAM1737
AI Engineer


Akshita Pathak akshiita07
Hi! I am Akshita, and I am currently pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala.

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology Chandigarh

Ramy ramirojeda
Software Engineer

TATA New Delhi

Xinheng Jiao drunksweet
Just a beginner

Central China Normal University WuHan ,HuBei province,China

Kevin S Manavalan kevinmanavalan
Experienced Software Engineer/ FullStack Developer specializing in ReactJS, Spring Boot and CI/CD with a strong track record of delivering high-quality solution
Theodor Kaljo Theografiska
Current stack: HTML, CSS, JS, Git, Github.

Tallinn, Estonia

Amit Yadav amitYadavDev
Engineer | Tech Enthusiast | Java | Kotlin | C++

IIIT Allahabad Bangalore

yunai yunaimatsu
Just your typical Japanese anime/Vtuber nerd 🤓 Lately has been holding back on his "OTAKU activities" to focus on work 🧑‍💻
Reganddev devRegan
I'm a passionate web developer with a love for exploring new technologies. I build projects ranging from Discord bots and AI agents to Arduino-based robotics.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

István Pánczél istvan-panczel
Freelance Software Engineer, working mostly on the front-end side.


Phong H. doivjpxx
I made dumb code 👀

@globalfactories HCMC

Lazaros P lazarospsa
BSc in Management Information Systems & MBA in Management Information Systems at University of Western Macedonia.
Joshua Mabina joshuamabina
Tech + Africa

inalipa Africa

Start On Fire startonfire

StartOnFire Chengdu, Sichuan, China