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Sooyong Shin exceldra5
KAIST EE/CS student

KAIST EE/CS Korea, Republic of

lihang goldtimes

Dorabot ShenZhen

Chulsoo Lim Charles-Lim93
Ph.D Candidate @ Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Aerospace Systems and Control Lab


Gyubeom Edward Im gyubeomim
Researcher & Software Engineer
Ma richard7714
Deep Learning & SLAM @sparolab

Inha university Republic of Korea, Incheon

Ramsi Kalia Ramsi-K
I like coding


avikus-seonghyeon.kwon shkwon98
System Software Engineer

@avikus-ai @Avikus-NeuBoat Seoul

SOOJIN WOO woo-soojin

Seoul National University South Korea

Sohee sohee-zoe

Seoul, Republic of Korea

WOOJIN JUN junwoojin960
Creating new value through the convergence of artificial intelligence and robotics.

WIM Inc.

Minkyung blossominkyung
code neural networks with coffee
joonhyung-lee joonhyung-lee
MS @ Korea University.

Korea University Seoul, Repulic of Korea

Yeongjun Hong yjayhong37
new account @jun.the.aidev
Yonghyeon Lee Gabe-YHLee
Ph.D. Student in Robotics laboratory at the Seoul National University
HyoungHo Park qwertyBBeers
Hello i'm M.S. Student at ASL in UNIST


임승현 SeunghyunLim
Ph.D course student at DGIST BRM lab. Interested in Mobile robotics, Autonomous driving.

DGIST Korea, Republic of

Kim JeongHan Kim-JeongHan

Republic of Korea, Ansan-si

Haegu Lee benthebear93
Interested in Robot Control

SDU Robotics SDU Robotics, Denmark

Jihoon Oh ojh6404

JSK Lab, UTokyo

Chen Yao crankler
There is a rapture on the lonely shore

HIT / HITSZ / SUSTech Shenzhen

Hu Zhu zhuhu00
PhD Student at HK PolyU & Eastern Institute for Advanced Study.