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Hazem Noor HazemNoor
I can neither confirm nor deny that I'm a software engineer

Cairo, Egypt

0xn0b174 sademban
It's better to be kind than to be right.

ann inc, motocle inc Fukuoka, Japan

Chittaranjan Panda pandaind
Self-motivated, hard-working & enthusiastic about learning new technologies.

Bangalore, India

DARIK R PRESCOTT darikprescott
Development and implementation of Ideas and teamwork.

Recalcitrant Dallas, Texas

My Outlook outlook-ph


Alex Rigler alexrigler
Building ChooChoo 🚂 - The Customer Engine

@choochoohq San Francisco

Oleksandr Popov oleksandr-popov
Ukrainian programmer

Ukraine, Kiev

Edoardo Zoni EZoni

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, California, United States

謝宗儒 zongruxie73


Ashish Nitin Makasare Ashishm96
I am Ashish Makasare, Recently completed my Graduation From Sandip foundation SITRC, Nashik, Aws Cloud & Devops Engineer


Adamo Blaze localartaction
...A traveling Artist and solution-finder. A web native and a skeleton key…. learning better methods to go with ALL the flows…

USA (all over)

Roytrix Roytrix
we will credibly extend highly efficient adoption of client requirements

roytrix inc. Quebec, quebec, canada

Feras Osama Abu-Zayed FerasOz

Not working yet-only freelancer Palestine

Andres Maqueo AndresMaqueo
Innovacapital | AI & Automation Engineer

[email protected] Mexico

Mayank Verma webermayank
I am a full stack developer and a engineering student at IIIT Bhopal


Rafał Pocztarski rsp
Platform Team, Staff Backend Engineer at @RampNetwork, Very Senior TypeScript Node.js Developer, obsessed with programming since the early childhood.

@RampNetwork Warsaw, Poland

Manoj Upadhya manojupadhya11
Cloud-DevOps Engineer


Laura Velez appitoriadev
Doesn't matter when you read this: 🌱 I’m currently learning a lot of stuff

@nodoeafit Colombia

Big Bunny Coming-2022
Smile, it's free therapy!