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Chandima Ranaweera chan4lk
I'm a technical geek who seek optimum solutions.

Chan Ideals Sri Lanaka

Ariel J Trujillo United-Thinkers
A seeker of knowledge and understanding, I strive to make informed decisions that are both factual and theoritcal.

United Thiners Alliance Group Houston, TX

Lx. Li BlueDoraemon

Sydney Australia

Metin Tekeci metintekeci
Finance professional.

MT London, UK

Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

José Escoli joseescoli
IT infrastructure & SAP Basis Admin. I like coding in different languages. Currently learning Full-stack webdev. HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascript, React.

Empresa de Energia Argentina

kos kos7138

KOStech Consulting Ltd United Kingdom

Kevin Paul Lamadrid hackeziah
"Never Stop Learning Because Life Never Stop Teaching"

Software Engineer/ Pythonist Philippines, NCR Manila, Taguig City

John Smith solrevdev
senior full-stack #dotnetcore #aspnetcore #vuejs developer and software engineer, formally head of infrastructure and operations, former full time carer

United Kingdom

Hairul Lana hairullana
Fullstack Web Dev but more about Backend Dev

Jakarta, Indonesia

bnln ben05allen
Plumber of data

@rallythedata Japan

FT frantzisk

Lumea Interactive Software Nassau

BrandonDigital BrandonDigital
I'm a Digital artist but I also love to code. I'm working on custom scripts, webs and apps. I'm into the crypto and Fivem world😃

BrandonDigital Pretoria, South Africa

Mike Howell mikehowell
Integration Developer: Azure, API's, C# and Python!

Auckland, New Zealand

Not really a developer

New Zealand

Patrick Haley patrickhaley

G.J. Gardner Homes San Antonio, TX

Jimmy Horan jimmyhoran
Founder and Engineer


Gareth Everson garetheverson
Passionate about developing apps that help small business owners to run their businesses less stressfully and more profitably.

SystemsWise Harrogate, United Kingdom