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Shubhadeep Karmakar ShubhadeepKarmakar
Android Developer

West Bengal, India

hasan hatipoglu hasan-htp
Embedded Software Engineer - C++ developer

Syria - Turkey - The Netherlands

Waly Kerkeboom waly-k
iOS developer

ING Leiden, Netherlands

Luis Benavides GitCMDR
All Python, Go and JavaScript things <3. Hit me up with an email if you are here for a job application process! #webdev #machinelearning #datamining

@uber Amsterdam

Arie ariescheurwater
I am on Gitlab, sorry. Engineering Leader @ Everon (@evbox), former @VanMoof, @RedHatOfficial, @schiphol-ac and @SchipholRedesign

EVBox the third planet

Jaye Hackett jhackett1
Strategic designer and civic technologist. I co-run Interrobang. I make things for journalists, charities and the public sector.

@interrobang-uk London, UK