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Pranav Kumar anonnape
Only if i could restart , differently.
Azzary Tarner AzzyTheTarned
Heretic, translator, content creator and student aspiring to be a top-notch coder someday
Gursel gabaci72
a full stack junior developer
Ayush Rathod ayushjrathod
A Lifelong Learner.


Rodrigo Patricio Carvalho rpatriciocarvalho
Desenvolvedor Web

Fundunesp São Paulo, SP

Jeeban Mishra iamjeeban
Java Developer


Harikrishnan K HarikrishnanK9
AI || ML || Data Science || Bigdata


AGNO d0lmany
silly student, murderer, lazy, megalomaniac, love pizza
Joseph Yeh josyeh

ex-@Yahoo @Mozilla Taiwan

Paloma Flores palomaflores
Software Enginner | Cybersecurity | Purple Team | DevSecOps | C | C++ | Python

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Dmitry Maslennikov mrmda28
Software Engineer | iOS Developer
Basmala Ahmed Ali Ibrahim basmala249
Junior CS-Student at Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Jake jkdavis1026
Current Computer Science student with a focus on Machine Learning and Statistics

Austin, Texas

Sebastian Canulef SebaCanulef
Ingeniero Informático | Desarrollador de Software | Python, JS, React, PHP | Amante de videojuegos y música"

Puerto Montt, Chile

Kodiererin Kodiererin
Get Set Automate! 🚀

@codex-iter Bhubaneshwar,Odisha