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Brainless 🧠 BrainlessDip
19 years old • Mobile Developer • Loves sleeping • Music enthusiast who loves alternative rock

Dank Alert

Adam Miller maxamillion
Husband. Father. Leader. Pythonista. Gopher. SysAdmin. Hatter. Texan. Geek. Author. Speaker. Linux nerd. InstructLab, Ansible, Fedora, CentOS Community Member.

Red Hat Fort Worth, TX

hbeyer HenningBeyer
Interested in ML / RL / Physics / Data Science / Computing

Leipzig University Germany

Niloy Datta niloydatta000
Got stuck in between Ctrl+Z & Ctrl+Y

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Jiacheng Wang jcwang587

University of Massachusetts Amherst

aditya_parekar ADITYAPAREKAR
Undergraduate Computer Science Student at @mbes ambajogai | Learning Full Stack Web Development | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap | With Cloud Computing.

Deshmukh Galii, Parli Vaijnath, District-Beed, Pin-431515.

shyan shyan1

Beijing, China

Dikson Aranda DreckSallow
FronEnd developer 😀


Paul Leber LuapRebel

San Francisco Bay Area

MarHex mehran-marhex
Hi, I'm Marhex. Welcome to my GitHub. I Work on Three Areas : Trading Robots Development,Django Web Development and Data Science by Microservice Architecture.



Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Mike DemonDad mikeybob
Retired Silicon Valley software developer & engineer. Devops Director and pioneer. Survivor of internet bubbles 1, 2, And 3.

Demonlab Network Edinburgh

Arduino Aficionado ArduinoAficionado
Tinkerer, Maker, Hacker, Optimist.

Arduino Aficionado Detroit

Jian Z'car Esteban JianZcar


Héctor V3ct0r
Para mi no existen problemas, solo retos! - For me there are no problems, only challenges!

Electronica Universal, C.A. Venezuela

bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
Eduardo Araujo repoeduardo
Hey dev, glad to meet you. Let's code together


Jonas phoenixr-codes
🧠 Think, 🛠️ Create, 🌐 Share


Adamo Blaze localartaction
...A traveling Artist and solution-finder. A web native and a skeleton key…. learning better methods to go with ALL the flows…

USA (all over)

Bukit Sorrento bukit-kronik

KRONIK Bandung, Indonesia

Full Stack, Python, AI\ML\LLM, RAG, Agent Workflows, Prompt Engineering, Cloud Migrations, Generative AI, Open Source, Open Hardware, UAV


Peter Gebhard pg
Lead Software Engineer @ World Wide Technology

World Wide Technology Seattle, WA

Tom Spencer TomSpencerLondon
Software Crafter @ Capgemini

Capgemini London

Fabian Peschke Fadope1

BASF Germany

Alon Krymgand RealA10N
`echo $(date +%Y) - 2004 | bc` y/o student that enjoys programming 👨‍💻

~/ Haifa, Israel

William Schoenell wschoenell
Instrument Control Specialist

@carnegie-observatories Pasadena

joeysu33 joeysu33
It's OK!

sjz china

Gareth McNicol gmcnicol
My name is Gareth and I occasionally write software.

Glasgow, Scotland

Hamza Ferrahoğlu HFerrahoglu
Officially Full Stack Developer / Self-styled CLI & AI Developer
