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Victor Awosiji vawosiji
The world needs energy and I’m trying to help. Energy is fundamental to the sustainable development of Human Civilization.

Stanford Palo Alto

M. Colin Marvin colinmarvin
PhD candidate at Stanford studying planetary surface processes, specifically bedform patterns and sediments

Stanford University Left Coast

EvanT ect123
GIS Librarian @ UBC Vancouver

University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia

immortal immortal13
I would like to share all my codes to contribute to the community╰(○'◡'○)╮ Please feel free to contact me: [email protected]

Wuhan university China, Wuhan

Matej mat-ej
interests: torch, graphcore, mlops


Emine Kesici emykes
Data Science | Research | Applied Math

Data Analyst @ TFS Dallas, TX

AlidadA IForIV
GIS Engineer, Remote Sensing Analyst, Cartographer