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Nicolas Fernandez cornhundred
Computational biologist who is interested in multi-omics, single cell, spatial biology, AI/ML, and data visualization

Cambridge, MA

Sameesh Kher khersameesh24

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Germany

Ahmad Alkhan AhmadAlkhan

University of Limerick

Miguel A. Ibarra-Arellano migueLib

University Heidelberg @SchapiroLabor

seshachalam veerabrahma pratap pratapstat
Keen to learn new things

National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) Singapore

Malte Kuehl maltekuehl
Co-Founder @medprofs | Founder @KH-Biotechnology | Researcher @ AU

@medprofs @complextissue @KH-Biotechnology Hannover

Amnah Siddiqa amnahsiddiqa
Associate Staff Scientist (Hagan Lab CCHMC)

The Division of Infectious Diseases at Cincinnati Children's Cincinnati

Liting Chen zztin

Utrecht, Netherlands

chage changrong1023
Scientific Researcher
Shreeram iamshreeram
Python, Haskell, Clojure, Machine Learning

Michael J. Wilson michaelJwilson
Data Scientist. Python, Rust & nextflow.

Princeton University Princeton, USA

Ron Finn ronfinn

COMPASS Pathways London, United Kingdom

Wenliang wenliangz
I am a hybrid scientist in the field of Immunology, Data Science and Engineering. My work involves biological data analysis and application development.

Pfizer Inc. Cambridge, MA

Fadhl FADHLyemen

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Maren CC marencc
Bioinformatician and Data Analyst. Never Stop Learning.
Giorgio Locicero josura
Developer at the university of Catania, Ph.D. student in complex systems.

University of Catania Catania, Italy

Rasool Saghaleyni rasools
Bioinformatician@NBIS, Scilifelab 🇸🇪

Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden

Divya Sitani Divya1205

Berlin Germany

Xichen Wu wxicu

@theislab Munich, Germany

Mhaned Oubounyt oubounyt
Machine learning solution for bioinformatics challenges.

University of Hamburg Hamburg

Asli aslik97
Solutions Consultant intern @adobe | M.Sc. Mathematics @ TUM

Adobe Munich

Ian Dirk Fichtner idf-io
Master's student @HeidelbergUniversity --> bioinformatics, biotechnology


Valentina Beliaeva Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung

Helmholtz Zentrum München München, Deutschland

Airat Valiev Rebell-Leader

InSilico Medicine Munich