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Аλέξιος alimovlex
Mobile C/C++ developer & Linux zealot.

RecompileMe Metaverse

William cabiamdos
I am a marketing engineer and I work for as a _design cleaner_. I am hiring people. actually

[email protected] Bali

I have no idea what I am doing I'm sorry
Camilo Sáez Garrido camjasaez
I'm Software Developer at Aukko.

Aukko Chile

yeipi yeipills
Programador apasionado por aprender y compartir conocimientos, con un enfoque en el desarrollo de aplicaciones seguras y eficientes.
~Metal. Metalcl
Ingeniero de Ejecución en Computación e Informática.

Universidad del Bío-Bío Concepción, Chile

Alejandra Segura ASeguraUBB
Teacher at Universidad del Bío Bío


Rodrigo Santos HansyRod
Just another software developer. Into AI, game design and front-end technologies. Also, I love your cookies.


Cristiano Fernandes criscfer
Electrical Engineer in training (EIT) working as a software developer for the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems at the University of Victoria

University of Victoria - SESIT Group Victoria, Canada