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Hossein Mirzapur hosseinmirzapur
Hello everyone and welcome to my Github Page. Feel free to explore the repositories and don't forget to give star to the ones you love 👍
Jilin Yu 576469377

Tsinghua University

Lishijie Dhaizei
no pay no gain

Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology

Steve Goodman spgoodman
Microsoft MVP, Digital Transformation expert, IT professional and some-time application developer

United Kingdom

James A. Black Jr. jamesblackjr

Programmer Incorporated LLC

ENKI God2Gov
9A67 4425 C835 DB2F 5BD7 9254 0D97 762B 3B7B 7ED2
Jue Wang wjcallmebaby


xiaofeitu2 xiaofeitu2

self shenyang

atlonxp atlonxp

Bangkok, Thailand

Tran Van Tuan 陳文俊 chwenjun225
Nhiệm vụ nào cũng hoàn thành, khó khăn nào cũng vượt qua, kẻ thù nào cũng đánh thắng.

FOXCONN-AI Researcher Vietnam

David Reay reayd-awsbot
AWS Engineering, Python and Generative AI

@AWSBot-Ltd Europe

Min Si Thu MinSiThu
Human, what a beautiful technology!


incredimo incredimo
incredible code ✨ has no syntax


Raxskle raxskle

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, China

Cai Jing CaiJing-SH

@Autumn-Drunken-Pomelo Shanghai

akola arthur alaali akolaarthurali
A computer Engineer, An emerging Entrepreneur & Venture Capitalist with a great passion of building a truly trans-formative pan-African business and startup.

dozens Group Limited Makindge,

Basit Mustafa 24601
studying for the turing test

CTO @ Procurement Sciences Telluride, CO

Yunzhe Hao haoyz
PhD student @ CASIA; Main interests include Speech Separation, Auditory Attention, Spiking Neural Network

CASIA Beijing China

A happy person hyxhope
Keep alive. Be healthy.

Beihang University. Zhejiang, China

Rich Nistuk rnistuk
Software developer working for Cisco, sailor, atheist, radio amateur (VA7RHN)... I like cats.

Danzisoft Development Metchosin, BC, Canada

Charleno Pires charlenopires
Polyglot Developer (Working: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go; Know: Rust, Ocaml, ReScript, Elixir, Erlang, Ruby, Dart, Kotlin; Understand: Java, C#, PHP, Lua

Amarante | PI | Brazil

Gaurang Gujrati Gaurang105
Full-Stack Dev| Data Engineer

Headout India