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ByteBoss lm631096202
Enthusiastic coder who enjoys tackling challenging projects and learning new technologies.

Innovative Tech Solutions 481 Kertzmann Roads, Apt. 062, 65677, Virginieshire, Tennessee, United States

Jiarui Zhang nusstatjerry
Carry on and carry out!
Di icindy
小码集团首席造谣师 | 插件小王子 | 小程序专员 | 自动化实践者 | 程序员情感治疗师 | 程序员软技能实践者 | 游戏第六人 | 单身俱乐部成员


Wenqi Zhang zwq2018
I am a final-year Ph.D candidate at Zhejiang University. My research interests include LLMs and VLMs. My personal pages:

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

PhantomTide PhantomTide
Data mining engineer
YuanBo Kong 1933211129
I am from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. My research direction is knowledge technology and intelligent information processing

Beijing, China

Holly Hollie7
🌟HCI & Social computing & Visualization

National University of Singapore

dfasga Qocnij6
Southwest Jiaotong University/major in Artificial Intelligence

Southwest Jiaotong University Cheng Du

Xiaowei Zhang zhangxiaowei
Php engineer with a passion for Php, Rust, mainly working on Php software development and social application app maintenance.

自由职业 Beijing,China

Hansey Lee HanseyLee
Peace and Joviality within heart.
