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Asoji asoji
I'm just a "software dev"

in one of the IKEA drawers denting your local laptop lid

devin intergrav

@skywardmc florida

Lily • Lylythii Lylythii
she/her│Author of @TerraFirmaCraft-The-Final-Frontier, a Minecraft total overhaul project | cute & deranged | likes breaking things | IISYYSTGTKMW

@TerraFirmaCraft-The-Final-Frontier @TerraFirmaCraftNetwork @LVLVTHXX Did you know you can put an extremely long location name here? No? Well you can! That's a rather interesting thing don't you think? Perhaps you'd like some Lorem Ipsum? No? Okay then. Go check the rest of my profile instead! It has some cool things on it!

jade jadelily18
very queer :3
