Anders Wändahl
Anders Wändahl SM0HPL 5X7W
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Library Stockholm
Jon Carlstedt Tønnessen
Digital humanist. Programming historian. Web archaeologist. Working at @NationalLibraryOfNorway with @nlnwa and @DH-LAB-NB.
python | SQL | GIS
National Library of Norway Oslo, Norway
Rodolfo Marraffa
Previously in philosophy and cognitive science. Software dev at @gbv.
Berlin, DE
Mathias Johansson
Systems Developer
Department of Art and Cultural Sciences
Lund University Lund
Philipp Jonas Kreutzer
I am a PhD student in Economic History at Lund University. I research the transition to a bioeconomy in the Swedish forest sector.
Department of Economic History, Lund University Malmö
Max Odsbjerg Pedersen
Alot of R - and hopeless oneliners and terminal loops.
Informations Specialist at:
The Royal Danish Library Aarhus, Denmark
Martin Frojd
CTO @ Fictive Reality and Helmgast AB. Ex-Ericsson Product Manager. Working on roleplaying AI for soft skills training.
Fictive Reality Stockholm