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jlca wootsbot
Doing this 'n' that.

@dd3tech Guerrero


Gdańsk, Poland

Leandro Paixão leandropaixao
Développeur C# | .Net | c++ | SFPC |

Machinex Victoriaville, Québec

Pedro Lamas pedrolamas
Software Development Consultant, tinkerer that loves automation, OSS contributor!

@AmpleRoads London, United Kingdom

m0x m0xsec
pet all dogs.
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

David Kim dkim89

San Francisco, CA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mohamed I. sangimed
CSE (Curious Software Engineer).
ByoungHoon Kim byounghoonkim


Adavize Hassan ize-302
Software developer


Shayan Davoodi shayandavoodii
Industrial Engineer, Julia Developer, Algorithm-Trading Geek, AI Learner.

Research Assistant @ AUT Tehran, Iran

nate n8-dev
I make things. I should make more on here.

@silverstripe @silverstripeltd Auckland

Celeste C. CelestialAbyss
I am a noob when it comes to code. Not a beginner when it comes to UX, however. Probably running out of time, but it's fine.


Serhiy Dmytryshyn dies
I work at Crowdin

@crowdin Tallinn, Estonia

Lou Kail Loustoc
into hardware, creative tech, interactive experiences and all things tinkering

🏢 associate creative web dev @AKQA-Group || 🏫 Student at @Gobelins Paris

just hobby projects etc here
Christian Bielefeldt chrisb-de
a software developer


Pho Hale CommanderPho
Check out my website at
Jackson Chen sfc9982
Dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Then conquer we must, for our cause is just.

@Cisco | Misaka Networks, Inc. Dalian, China