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Rachid26 Rachi26
تاجر عملات مشفرة

Usdt Algérie

Felconsec felcopentesting
Grant V. aka Felconsec a Security Researcher and Pentester, Smart Contract Auditor. You can email [email protected]

FelconSec Technologies South Africa

Solidity / Web3 / Move / JS / TS
Naoufel naouflex

Inverse Finance GMT+1

Eliécer eliecerhf

@DexKit RN, Brazil

Rafael Escrich rafaelescrich
Blockchain Engineer, Cryptography enthusiast and studied Information Systems @ Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brasil

@dfb-chain Florianópolis

Smart Contract Engineer, Auditor
Trung Hoang trunghvbk
Mobile Developer


codyx codyx
Interested in crypto, engineering, psychology, philosophy, longevity.

Solving problems, one byte at a time Memory

Carlos Montoya carloskiron
Great software and coffee are my passions. A wise man learns from any man.
zachi.eth memoriaXII
Be private. Grow in silence.
Camden camdengrieh
Love building dApps

@RektifyAI United Kingdom

usman tahir Usman75
I am a Blockchain Developer that focuses on building Web Apps and Smart Contracts using Solidity, EthereJS, Hardhat, Foundry, and NodeJS. I have a passion for

Blockchain Developer Sialkot,Pakistan