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Nathan Wells nathanwells27
I'm currently an IT technician. I'm just beginning my first steps into code. I hope to learn a lot and become very skilled with this for a future career.


Co-Founder at Field of Vision

Dublin, Ireland

Robert Conde RobertConde
cs @ uf (co'25) ~ tech dir @swamphacks ~ tech lead of Swamp Scheduler @ufosc

@amzn Seattle, WA

Chul Heung Kim DefineXX

Seoul, Korea

Tim moshiba
HPC/architecture + security & privacy

UW Madison

Aspiring Security Researcher
mcoms mastercoms
just some programmer you may know


Benzir Ahammed Shawon ibenzir
Undergraduate Computer Science and Engineering and Mathematics student. Currently working on DL, NLP, and Algos.

North South University Dhaka, Bangladesh

Yifan Bao yifan-bao
Working on high performance computing for AI training and deployment; foundation model deployment on edge devices. Shape the world with code.

ETH Zurich ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich

Gupta Vishalkumar Ashokshah VISHALGUPTA7676
I want to contribute some of my thought to open repo's.
Yòmá codeyoma
YongMan "Yòmá" Kim

Seoul, South Korea | Tokyo, Japan

Jonathan Castillo jona866
En busca del sentido de la vida.


Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Sylvestre AHLONSOU SylvestreZodyorida
I have three years of training in software engineering.. specifically in web development..I am Fullstack PHP laravel..I am starting with React js..

Global Sport Managment Cotonou Benin

Hugo Lemos da Silva Hugollemos
DevOps engineer


Master of copy & paste
Lucian Cojocaru luciancj
🧑‍💻🇭🇺 Computer Science Engineering Major at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Transforming caffeine into code, one project at a time.

@bmeaut Budapest

Vineet Kumar Vineet011235
CSE 3st Year at IIT Roorkee
F7 Conquerors f7conquerors
We are geeky, we are nerdy, we are planners and developers. But most importantly we conquer hearts.
Software Developer | TypeScript | React.js | Redux | Next.js | Learner

[email protected] localhost:3000

Adwaith shetty Adwaithsheety
Bug Bounty Hunter 🐞🏴‍☠️ Cybersecurity Enthusiast 🔒💻 Ethical Hacker 🕵️‍♂️🔐 Web Application Security Researcher 🕸️🛡️ Pentester and OSINT Lover 🌐🔍


Axel Riveros Axel-07
Full Stack Developer | Blockchain | ⋆Artificial Intelligence enthusiast⋆

Localhost Buenos Aires, Argentina

Wilfried AGO wilfriedago
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Cotonou, Benin

Dhaval Dobariya DhavalDobariya333
I love to learn about astronomy, physics, and science. I like to think about things that make me think


Takuma hanachan1026
Software developer

@gaogao-asia Osaka, Japan