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Natália Araújo nataliarauj
Graduanda em Sistemas de Informação pelo Instituto Federal do Ceará.


Naman Chawhan namannc13
Hey, I'm Naman, a software developer who loves turning coffee into code. Let's make the web a cooler place, one line at a time!
Adrià arrufat

@bfactory-ai Seoul, South Korea

Juliano Santos julianosantosdev
// Estudante de Desenvolvimento de Software Multiplataforma pela FATEC-SP; // Desenvolvedor Web Full-Stack formado pela Kenzie Academy


那思路(なしろ) mnipritom
I would rather feed pigeons.


Started coding in early 70's, in the age of cards. Fortran first computer language. Physical Scientist

Mountain View CA

Skylar Kemp HaroDream
I woke up like this. 😎

Algeria 🇩🇿

Fool - Phaeton Taiyo Faitir
El Psy Congroo | Γνῶθι σεαυτόν | Enkrateia
Pham Thinh Thinh127
New study, new day!