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Amir Dehsarvi amirdehsarvi

LMU Klinikum Munich, Germany

Salim Kanoun salimkanoun
Nuclear Medicine Physician Java, Php, Python, Javascript, full stack developer

Pixilib Toulouse (France)

Keith George Ciantar KeithGeorgeCiantar
Doctoral Student at FZJ. Working on images and machine learning.

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Germany

legendchilli suyanzhou626
Computer Vision

UESTC chengdu

Daryl Wilding-McBride DarylWM
Research Fellow in Medical Imaging, focused on deep neural networks with clinical utility.

RMIT University Melbourne, Australia

Rainie.Bai Ellen-D216
Interested in AI for medical image analysis. Currently, I am diving into adaptive radiotherapy.


Liu Hui devhliu
Medical Imaging


Francisco Maria Calisto FMCalisto
Human-Computer Interaction enthusiast working as Researcher & Software Engineer. Supporting Medical Imaging with Health Informatics research.

Institute for Systems and Robotics Portugal

Zach Chalampalakis zax0s
Postdoctoral researcher Quantitative Imaging and Medical Physics

QIMP Vienna, AT

Josef Yu josefyu

Meduni Wien Vienna

nutellaBear LalithShiyam
Postdoctoral researcher @ the QIMP, Medical University of Vienna.

Quantitative Imaging and Medical Physics Vienna, Austria