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The Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology

Mustafa Khaleel ( MK ) engm89
PhD and Researcher.


Andreas Kræmmer Bagge akbagge
'Earth and Space Physics and Engineering' student at DTU (Technical University of Denmark).
Nader AttentiveNader
Deep Learning Engineer

@Proteinea Cairo, Egypt

Konstantinos Tzimoulias kostistzim
◼️M.Sc Human Centered AI - DTU, Copenhagen ◼️B.Sc.(Hons), Mathematics- NKUA, Athens
Gang Tang obaica
Associate Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology ([email protected]).

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China

MuhammadAnwar 2019mohamed
Graphs Graphon. DL R&D researcher @Proteinea


Nermin Ghith Nermin-Ghith
I am an epidemiologist and data scientist obsessed with using data to generate evidence to improve population and planetary health, equity, and biodiversity.

Danish Cancer Institute Denmark

Stella Parker whoIsStella

7894301092416 United States

Ch Muhammad Aqdus Ilyas Aqdus01

University of Cambridge UK

Khurram Malik khurram-saeed-malik
Civil Engineer in Computer Science, building scalable apps with modern tech. Passionate about coding, teaching & learning.


Felix Aertebjerg aerte
Master Student in Mathematical Modelling @ Denmarks Technical University | ML Engineer @DeepGruble.
JuanTrebolle JuanTrebolle
Hey 👍

Copenhagen, Denmark

Greg Gregz9
AI and robotics student at UiO. Passionate about computation, AI/ML, HPC, and building robust systems and interactive applications.
Anurag Singh Anurag-Singh-creator
Data Science & Data Engineering


Nils Hofmann nilshof01
My name is Nils and I study Bioinformatics in my Master at DTU.


Samy Haffoudhi samyhaff
PhD student in NLP

Télécom Paris Versailles, France

locchuong locchh
AI guy

@iteam1 Vietnam