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Alex fether-wallet
Hello! I am here.
a web3 developer.
< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer • 3D Technical Artist • Designer • Blockchain
>.< cylzxje
(˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )

Local Asylum

Aishwarya Sambhaji Tupe ash-1703
An ambitious new graduate in software development, seamlessly translating ideas into executable brilliance

@InterviewBuddies Texas

rishi Hrishi75
Web3 , web-dev.


i'm learning + i'm so excited. we are guardians of the galaxy.
z0L z0Ld3v
Web3 Developer & Security Researcher | Focused on making blockchain safer through hands-on analysis and secure development.
alessandro ponton abtomal
full stack blockchain developer
farahou Farahou110

Kabarak University Nakuru

NageshVarma Palleti varmapalleti
Hello everyone, i am nagesh varma palleti student at GIET engineering college i have got intrested in programming languages
Preston Ong preston4896
Smart Contract / Blockchain Developer and a @ucdavis Alumni. #GoAgs 🤓


bypasslearner valentinowyhnel
student in cybersecurity engineering, network security automation and open source enthusiast


infoshark Hashbury1
Web3 | DevOps | Solidity |
devvini devtechvini
Computer Science | Front End Developer

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Lance Addison LanceAddison
Aspiring smart contract developer
