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Fabrício Duarte fabriciohod

NukeArts Studio Brasilia, DF

MonkeyMike mon-key-mike
I build Blockchain Business Services, along with other infrastructures. Available to Hire.

@MonkeyMike-Ltd Inside the Singularity of the Multiverse, and then residing within that inside the microcosmic reflection of the our Universe. We see in front of us.

Konstantin Dyachenko Konard
A programmer (Rust, C#, C++, JavaScript, Python). I develop mostly open-source projects.

@deep-foundation @linksplatform Planet Earth

Carl CarlSargunar
Developer, CTO and all around chilled out person


Daniel Gomes Lacerda ajtopper
Creative Tecnologist

Belo Horizonte

Sam Huynh samhwang
Senior Software Engineer at @Lyka-Pet-Food . Contributes to @viet-aus-it and @bifrostlab.

@Lyka-Pet-Food || VAIT @viet-aus-it || @bifrostlab Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Snazzah Snazzah
internet wildcat
