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LaDonte Prince ladonteprince
I enjoy creating AI solutions to solve very specific problems.

Los Angeles

Les Vogel lesv
my past includes an orchard in Cupertino and a very large seller of advertising.

Honolului, HI

Xingyu Fu zeyofu
May the Force be with you.

Philadelphia, PA

Arshia Ilaty ArshiaIlaty
Research and Teaching Assistant at University of California, Irvine and San Diego State University Ex-SW-Intern at @teslamotors

@UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine San Diego, CA

Nishanth nnakshat
A Computer Science graduate student.

Purdue University West Lafayette, USA

Tianhao Fu TianhaoFu
Quant Researcher/Trader, LLM for X

Hedge Fund New York

kstranger ZurichRain

Soochow University

CS Ph.D. Candidate at Michigan State University

MSU East Lansing, Michigan

Jianhao Yan ElliottYan
Now PhD Student at WestlakeNLP/Zhejiang University. Former Researcher @ Wechat AI.

Zhejiang University

Alyssa Nie a1yssan13
student @ upenn studying computer science
Tong Zhu (朱桐) Spico197
PhD student at Soochow University.

Soochow University Suzhou

Limin Wang @wlmnzf wlmnzf
A Ph.D Student at Nanjing University.【选择远方,背影留给别人......】


Kun-Lin Lee LeeKLTW
NLP Engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

Zhuoran Jin jinzhuoran

NEU & CASIA Beijing

Nuno Roberto theworld365
Obsessed about Data, ML, AI, Analytics, Data Strategy, Governance, and Stewardship. I also dabble on RPAs. APAs, and everything else in between. Data Lakes rock


Devansh Khandekar devanshkhandekar
Machine Learning Engineer



Technical University of Munich Munich

Ravi Ghadia ghadiaravi13
Trying to do better :)

NVIDIA Bengaluru

CogComp Dev cogcomp-dev

UIUC Cognitive Computation Group

Anjana Tiha anjanatiha
Research Software Engineer, USA. Specialized in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Distributed Big Data Analytics.

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia

Jiayao Zhang zjiayao
Ph.D. Student at UPenn

HKSAR, China