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Gabriele Montefalcone GabrieleMonte
I am a Ph.D. candidate in physics at the University of Texas at Austin. I am interested in pursuing theoretical and data-oriented projects in cosmology.

University of Texas at Austin

Jiachen Bai AstroBai
Beijing Normal University | Major in Astronomy

Beijing Normal University Beijing

Ka Ho Yuen kyuen2
Oppenheimer Fellow @ LANL

Los Alamos National Lab Los Alamos, NM

James Cheshire jrcheshire
Postdoc in physics @ Caltech - Observational Cosmology - SPHEREx and BICEP/Keck

Caltech Pasadena, CA

Zhou, Conghao 周丛浩 zhouconghao
Grad @ UC Santa Cruz.

UC Santa Cruz Santa Cruz

Fazlu Rahman fazlurahman
Postdoc at Texas A&M University #Cosmology

Texas A&M University College Station, Texas

L. Horacio Arnaldi lharnaldi
A man who likes the good life in family. FPGA, Python and DSP enthusiast. Currently working on channelizer algorithms for FDM/TDM conversion.

@cnea, @ib, @LabDPR Bariloche, Argentina

Sarvesh Kumar Yadav sarveshkesav
I am a cosmologist exploring possible applications of AI and machine learning to cosmology.

Raman Research Institute Bengaluru

Theoretical Physics. Cosmology
Shuo zheshishuoshuo

Xiamen University Xiamen University

Mudit Jain mudit-jain90
I enjoy exploring the domains of high energy / particle physics, cosmology, and condensed matter physics.

Rice University London, England

Elena de la Hoz edelahoz

Centre Pierre Binétruy (CNRS - UC Berkeley)

Mateo Fernández-Torreiro mfernandeztorreiro
Astrophysicist at LPSC-IN2P3-CNRS (Grenoble). Previously at IAC (Tenerife).

Grenoble - Tenerife - A Coruña

I love physics simulations
Shabbir Shaikh shabbir137

Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Tempe, Arizona, USA

Aman Chokshi amanchokshi
Postdoctoral Fellow @mcgill TSI ↟‎‎ ‎Radio Astronomer ↟ Coder ↟ Photographer

McGill TSI Montreal

Alexandra Rahlin arahlin
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago


Erwin Lau ethlau

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Cambridge, MA, USA

Edoardo Altamura edoaltamura
Maintainer of @qiskit-community | Consultant in data visualization and information design | Previously computational galaxy formation with @SWIFTSIM

@qiskit United Kingdom

Sebastian Belkner Sebastian-Belkner
@carronj's postdoc | University of Geneva | CMB Lensing Data Analysis

University of Geneva Geneva

Selim Hotinli selimhotinli

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Kevin Zagorski zigzag414
space r&d, reformed rocketeer

Los Angeles, CA

Jia Liu liuxx479

Kavli IPMU Tokyo, Japan

Bryan J. Field BryanJField
US Department of Energy

Washington DC


Caltech Pasadena

Thuong Hoang hoangducthuong

School of Physics and Astronomy University of Minnesota

Florian Kéruzoré fkeruzore
Galaxy cluster cosmologist @ArgonneCPAC

Argonne National Laboratory Chicago, IL, USA

Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza
