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Michael Mumford michaelhm-daf

Department of Primary Industries Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Adam H. Sparks adamhsparks
Professor of Biometry and Agricultural Data Analytics. Editor at @ropensci

CCDM-CBADA Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Ryan Disney Lightoscope

University of Illinois

Sonu Langaya sonulangaya
PhD Scholar @ CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University Hisar

Cleiton Antonio Wartha cleitonwartha
Research Scientist - Soybean Breeding @corteva Applied Plant Sciences @umn

Minnesota, U.S.

Igor Kuivjogi Fernandes igorkf
Program Associate at University of Arkansas's Center for Agricultural Data Analytics (CADA) | Statistician

University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR

José Tiago Barroso Chagas tiagobchagas
Postdoctoral Research Scholar | Ph.D. in genetics and breeding at Universidade Federal de Viçosa.

UFV Viçosa, MG, Brasil.

John Hill Price jhprice
ORISE postdoc working with the USDA-ARS Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research Unit. Alumni of the @UMN-BarleyOatSilphium lab
Jeff Neyhart neyhartj
USDA-ARS Research Geneticist studying cranberry pre-breeding and genetics

USDA-ARS Chatsworth, NJ


University of Wisconsin Madison US

Roy Storey kiwiroy

Plant & Food Research Tauranga

Julia Piaskowski jpiaskowski
data jockey and ag statistician @ University of Idaho

University of Idaho Moscow, ID

Jon Bancic jonbancic
I am a Research Fellow at the HighlanderLab, where I focus on of different aspects of plant breeding research.

The Roslin Institute, Edinburgh