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Dika dikako

Stockbit Jakarta

Mohammad mohammadhasanii
Software Engineer & Data Enthusiast @Bettercode-co @RavensAi

@Bettercode-co Tehran , Iran

Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

John Mark Bodegas JMBodz

RapidSignal Electronics Philippines

赵月饼 Allen-Bayern
Fan of Bayen München.

Meituan Tianjin, China

Waqar Amin vacaramin
Shipping code since 2022

@Sesameagency Pakistan

anaymous mpa-mxiang
Development - ReactJS | Python Looking for new opportunities:D

Waterloo, ON

Mohamed Abdi Ahmed mohamedabdiahmed
.NET Developer

Sahan inc Ethiopia

Suhaib Affan suhaibaffan
Lead Software Engineer


Maktiny maktiny
Publishing your work and yourself


Nicolás Georger ngeorger
Self-taught IT professional driving innovation & social impact with cybernetics, open source (Linux, Kubernetes), AI & ML. Founder of @sredevopsorg

@SREDevOpsOrg Chile

Kiaa makiatulmsyr17
Data Scientist & AI/ML Engineer
Baaridun Nasr BaaridunNasr

@Nasr-Systems India

Soumyaranjan Panda soummyaanon
S.I.H 2023 🏆 | Software Developer | FreeLancer | Tech Enthusiast 💻. Building @Aarekhit-AI

ChatsGuru Bangalore, India

Marcio Vinicius de Souza da Rocha MarciovsRocha
Computer Science Student @ PUCPR; Developer @ MPS Informática; Bolsista de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico em TICs do CNPq;

MPS Informática Curitiba - PR

Amir Torabi AmiirTorabii
Flutter Dev, god is in .....

SBM24 Tehran

taha vahedi tahaontech
just another high-value engineer.
Ali Alihaghighattalab
Frontend developer : )
Matin Jamshidi matinst
Software Engineer (Nodejs)

Iran - Arak

Vaibhav Malaviya vaimalaviya1233
Backup & Android enthusiast.