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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Gaurav Sablok sciencegenome
Bioinformatician Python, RUST, Bash, SQL, SLURM, PyTorch, Tensorflow, XGBoost, Scikit-learn.


TJ vTajae
Making the world a better place one sequence at a time.

Gina Abad ginaabad
C++ Software Developer @gabad-facephi

Facephi Spain

mdNafish1527 mdNafish1527


Naveed Iqbal naveed949
Lives in Blockchain , love to code

@klaytn Blockchain

Óscar 'Nebe' Abad N3BB3Z4R
Front-End Dev, UI/UX, 3D/2D, MoGraph,Video and Postproduction.

Barcelona, Spain

Bruno Paulino brunojppb
Software Craftsman

Tech Lead @n26 Barcelona, Spain

Nika NikaVB

Workato Netherlands

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre
Libre Software hacker and lover.

@curriedsoftware Madrid, Spain, Pale Blue Dot

Rafael Villar Burke (Pachi) pachi
M.Arch. Energy efficiency of buildings and structural engineering. CTE DB-HE (Energy efficiency spanish regulation) technical lead at the IETcc-CSIC

Madrid, Spain

Alexander Melian AlexanderMelian

Primary S.A. Argentina

Luciano Correia lucianocorreia
Backend senior developer with a strong proficiency in C# and Laravel.
Murat Artan muratartan
I am a post-doctoral fellow and a passionate coder.

Bilkent University Türkiye

Global Young YoungHaKim7

Seoul, South Korea

Ubiratan Soares ubiratansoares
Software Engineer. Continuous Learner. 🇧🇷 ∙ 🇪🇸 ∙ 🇪🇺

@dotanuki-labs Barcelona, Spain

Jonas Jelonek jonasjelonek
🦀, OpenWrt, networking and embedded systems


Sergio Gasquez Arcos SergioGasquez
Embedded Software Developer

@espressif @esp-rs Barcelona, Spain

Sebastia SebastiaAgramunt
PhD in Theoretical Physics into Machine Learning and Software Development

San Francisco, California