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jose 0joseDark
lover of science, biology and robotics, and programming is fun

Barreiro, Portugal

Top0619 Jenis0619
I love warm hugs.

Ashburn, VA, USA

slange-dev slange-dev
Mainframe (z/OS, MVS Tur(n)key-4/5), Linux hardening/automation kickstart, Shell scripting, and more... Hack the planet!

Home Developments Hamburg, Germany

Backwoods Bob BOBBYWY
I have no idea what I am doing here.
ubuntuperonista ubuntuperonista
As an active member of an Organized Community in the global data networks, I assist the Working Masses with the high goal of achieving Social Justice 2.0.
Gabe Moya GabrielMoya2112
Free / Libre and Open Source Software addict. I manage home servers and tinker with just about anything.
Xayide Xayiide

Madrid, Spain

Wayne A J Jr Craig zelinverse
Otaku Media Group Intl. Corporation President, Director Mountain Semiconductor Intl. (MSi)


Jeffrey H. Johnson johnsonjh
Not RPM developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not XTree developer Jeffrey Johnson. Not Jeffrey Johnson, Google Senior Software Engineer. Not the robotic engineer, either.

BAN AI Systems