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João Albuquerque Barbosa MrSloth-dev
Father of one, 32 years old, former civil engineer and Soon 2 be Software Developer. Currently Studying @ 42Porto.

42Porto Porto

LuZz lumrt
@42Paris student smarter than Prof Oak🕴🏻


DQ goodspeed
I will relentlessly attempt world domination.

Orangefix Manila, Philippines

Leïla P. des-astres
Programming student at 42 Paris.
Cristina Fernández cristina-fb

42 Madrid Madrid (Spain)

Liam BigBassata
Student at 42 Paris.


Rizky Ario rizky
Dream, think, code!

Paris, France

Brunno Leonardo Aguiar Silva aguiarsilva
Student at 42 Wolfsburg. Fullstack webdeveloper. I learned WebDev through bootcamps (ReactJS, HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js, Bootstrap, MongoDB, C).

42 Wolfsburg Student Berlin

Davis Joseph davisjoseph6
Masters degree student in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Holbertonschool France Paris, France

Lidan Lidan0241

NLP / TAL student Paris, France

Student school 42 Paris


Simon extrymes
Hi, I'm Simon 👋

Student at @42School Paris, France

Hugalito Hug-alito
Salut ! Je suis passionné par le développement web et les technologies. Bienvenue sur mon profil GitHub !


./SL s3mPr1linux
CEO at @FreeCodeSoftware Connecting people through the best technologies.

@FreeCodeSoftware Brazil

Obada Outabachi 0bada1
Software Developer | AI Developer           42 Abu Dhabi graduate and UoPeople Computer Science Student
ayoub elmouafik mfk-ayoub

42- 1337 Network Morocco - sidi bennour

Minju whyNot077

42Seoul Everywhere