Thanks for showing interest in making a contribution to Project Apollo - NASSP. This project relies on people like you to further its development by adding new features or fixing bugs.
If you haven't already, come talk to us via IRC (#nassp on LiberaChat). You can also find discussion on the Orbiter Forums. This guide is a work in progress and will be updated in the future.
To build the project you will need a working installation of Orbiter developed by Martin Schweiger. These are all the requirements for a working development environment
- Orbiter Beta
- D3D9 Client for orbiter
- NASSP Orbiter2016 (or derivative) branch checked out inside the Orbiter installation
- Visual Studio (2017, 2019, or 2022)
To get your work included in the project we ask you to make a pull request with a brief summary of the changes you did followed by details of your implementation. Be sure that your work merges with upstream (without rewriting history), you follow the coding conventions and that your commits are atomic (one feature per commit).
- Use TABS
- Use LF
- Each subsystem should go into its own file