This is a participant application (microservice) that provides an accounts service to withdraw amount from an account and deposit amount to an account. This application used the TMM Node Js Library for XA and participates in an XA Transaction that is coordinated by the TMM Coordinator.
is an endpoint that interacts with the department oracle database. This endpoint will participant in the XA transaction managed by the Microservice Transaction Management Library.
file in the root folder can be used to provide the database configurations. department.sql
can be used to initialise data in the database.
- Download the NodeJs Lib file from the official MicroTx Distribution package :
Copy oracle-microtx-24.4.1.tgz
file from <distribution-package-dir>/lib/nodejs
to the department folder.
cp <distribution-package-dir>/lib/nodejs/oracle-microtx-24.4.1.tgz ./
This application connects to an Oracle Database. If you choose to use Autonomous database, then download the client credential wallet and copy the contents into the
folder in the root of department folder. -
Execute the SQL DML commands present in
file on database -
A running instance of TMM transaction coordinator
Set database connection parameters in dbconfig.ts
Note: If the connecting database uses wallet, walletLocation and walletPassword property needs to be set.
export default {
user : process.env.DEPARTMENTDATASOURCE_USER || "<user-name>",
password : process.env.DEPARTMENTDATASOURCE_PASSWORD || "<db-password>",
connectString : process.env.DEPARTMENTDATASOURCE_URL || "(description= (retry_count=3)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)(",
walletLocation: process.env.DEPARTMENTDATASOURCE_WALLETLOCATION || "<wallet_location",
walletPassword: process.env.DEPARTMENTDATASOURCE_WALLETPASSWORD || "<wallet_password>"
Sample connection string for reference:
(description= (retry_count=3)(retry_delay=3)(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=1522)(
For constructing the connection string, please refer node-oracledb documentation
To install the dependencies use:
$ sudo npm install
To run the server in development mode:
$ npm run dev
To run the server in development mode on a custom port say 8085:
$ npm_config_http_port=8085 npm run dev
To run the server in production mode:
$ npm run prod
Next: Run the Bank Transfer application in the local environment. See the readme of the Bank Transfer application.
Build the docker image.
- $ docker build --network host -t <image_name>:<tag> .
Run the docker image.
- $ docker run -p 8081:8081 -d <image_name>:<tag>
Next: Push the Docker image of the microservices, that you have built, to a remote repository. In the values.yaml
file, provide details of all the sample application images that you have uploaded to the docker container.
To deploy on kubernetes, update the docker image and database details in values.yaml
present in xa/nodejs/helmcharts/transfer
and deploy.