- This application connects to the Mysql Database as LLR (NonXA) participant.
- A running instance of TMM transaction coordinator
The generation of the executable jar file can be performed by issuing the following command
mvn clean package
This will create an executable jar file department-nonxa-ds.jar within the target maven folder. This can be started by executing the following commands
java -DdepartmentDataSource.url="<database_url>" -DdepartmentDataSource.user=<user> -jar target/department-nonxa-ds.jar
application.yaml in the resources folder can be used to provide the database configurations. department-nonxa-ds.sql can be used to initialise database with test data.
/accounts is a JAX-RS rest endpoint that interact with the department database. This endpoint will participant in the XA transaction managed by the Microservice Transaction Management Library.
Add the required information in application.yaml under src/main/resources folder
Build the docker image.
- $ docker image build --network host -t <image_name>:<tag> .
Run the docker image.
- $ docker run -p 8086:8086 -d -e DEPARTMENTDATASOURCE_URL=<dburl> -e DEPARTMENTDATASOURCE_USER=<user> -e DEPARTMENTDATASOURCE_PASSWORD=<password> <image_name>:<tag>