- Introduction
- Running the TypeScript tests
- Where should the types be defined?
- How to determine the types while migrating to Angular?
- Defining types for a third-party library
- Typescript interfaces
- Some Coding Style Conventions
- Advanced types
- Cases encountered in Codebase:
We use a lot of TypeScript code at Oppia, which lets us write JavaScript code that is strongly typed. We declare the types of variables, function arguments, and function return values. Then, TypeScript checks that there aren't any type errors when it compiles our code. For example, if you have a function that expects an int, TypeScript won't let you call the function with a string.
Defining types helps with:
- Earlier detection of errors which in turn speeds development
- No run-time penalty for determining the type.
- Clean code. This allows developers to write more robust code and maintain it, resulting in better, cleaner code.
- Makes it easier for fellow developers to understand and use the already written code.
This page describes how to run the TypeScript tests to make sure the types are correct, and also explains how to specify types for existing code.
You can run the TypeScript tests like this:
python -m scripts.run_typescript_checks --strict_checks
make run_tests.typescript
These tests compile all ts files in the codebase and check for errors (including type errors) during compilation. The compiled files are put in the folder local_compiled_js_for_test
, which is automatically deleted after the tests finish running. Note that this folder might not be deleted if you abort the tests early.
The tests pass if, at the end of the test output, you see the message:
Compilation successful!
If the tests fail, you'll see:
Errors found during compilation
Below this message will be errors describing what went wrong. For example, consider this error:
core/templates/services/exploration-features-backend-api.service.ts(49,7): error TS2345: Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
This means that on line 49 of exploration-features-backend-api.service.ts
, you are passing a boolean to a function that expects a string.
NOTE: These conventions apply to the files in Angular.
- All the arguments of the function should have a type.
- The function should have a return type.
For example - A function with types would look something like this.
function exampleFunction(arg1: string, arg2: number): boolean {
NOTE - You can skip adding types if the argument has default values like
function exampleFunction(arg1 = 'test'): number {
// Here typescript compiler assumes arg1 to be of type string.
- The properties of the class should have a type.
- The arguments in the constructor should have a type.
- The functions specified in the class should have types as listed in the section above.
For example - A class with types would look something like this.
class ExampleClass {
public propertyOne: number;
public propertyTwo: string;
constructor(someService: SomeService) {
someFunction(arg1: string): number {
Determining types of variables is often an easy job. Most of the time, the types can be determined by a little reading of the code. However, if you're unable to determine the type of variable in a file, you can look for the places where that class or function is used.
Also, if you are working on a backend api service, you can try to look at the corresponding backend Python controllers
file to check the response dict. The backend controller
and domain
layers have docstrings which clearly explain the types of data that are passed to the frontend.
First of all check if the library already has types -
- Some libraries already have types along with them. If yes, you need not do anything.
- Check if the library has types in DefinitelyTyped. If yes, you can just install the types using
. For example, you need types for node. You can install them using commandyarn add @types/node --dev
If the library doesn't have any types. You'll have to write types for the lib using the following instructions.
Find the source code of the third-party library
For adding type definitions for a js library, the first step is to find the source code of the library.
Try to find the file that imports the js script of the library. For example PencilCodeEmbed is imported by the pencilcode.html file.
Create a file for the type definitions
Create a file that will contain the type definitions in the typings directory with the name
. -
Write the type definitions
For writing custom definitions, existing type definitions in DefinitelyTyped and this guide can be used as a reference.
Refer this doc for detailed instructions & example.
Sample PRs
- Upgrade version of wavesurfer and use type defs from DefinitelyTyped - Here the custom types for wavesurfer were declared, but we found that there were definitions for wavesurfer in DefinitelyTyped. So, this PR deletes the custom types and uses the definitions from DefinitelyTyped.
- Type definitions for midi, skulpt, math expressions - In this PR the custom types for midi skulpt and math expressions libraries are declared.
When updating the version of the library look for the difference in the code of the library compared to the present version. Update the type definitions accordingly if the arguments or return types are modified, or some new functions or variables are defined.
You can read the detailed documentation on interfaces here.
, number
, boolean
and t[]
should be used when declaring types instead of String
, Number
, Boolean
and Array<t>
. This is because the latter are javascript types for constructing those things. Reference - https://stackoverflow.com/a/14727461
Don't do
this.http.get(...).toPromise().then((response: BackendDict) => {...})
Instead do
this.http.get<BackendDict>(...).toPromise().then(response => {...})
If there's a generic type that needs to be declared. For example
type A<T> = {
abc: T
Avoid exporting these kind of types unless its necessary to do so because other developers may be confused on how to use that generic type and what arguments does it need. So, it's better to not export these generic types.
The interfaces should not have an extra I
. For example IAnswerStats
should just be AnswerStats
We use them mainly in the places where we have to define types for objects or dicts. Mostly in *backend-api.service.ts
and *object.factory.ts
These are just a few example of Advanced Types that we use. For full documentaion go here.
This can be used when we a variable may be of different types. In some cases Discriminated Unions (described below) may be a better option to make the types more strict.
For example, when a variable may be either string or a number. We can do
let a: string | number;
But when you use this variable a
like a string or a number, there can be typescript errors.
For example, if you try to do
An error like the following may come up.
Property 'length' does not exist on type 'string | number'.
Property 'length' does not exist on type 'number'.
So, now you have two options.
The first method is to add an if
condition checking if the a
is a string.
if (typeof a === 'string') {
The second method is typecasting. However, you should prefer the first method if possible.
console.log((<string> a).length);
You can combine singleton types, union types, type guards, and type aliases to build an advanced pattern called discriminated unions, also known as tagged unions or algebraic data types. Discriminated unions are useful in functional programming. These are very helpful in making types more strict. There are three ingredients:
- Types that have a common, singleton type property — the discriminant.
- A type alias that takes the union of those types — the union.
- Type guards on the common property.
interface Square {
kind: "square";
size: number;
interface Rectangle {
kind: "rectangle";
width: number;
height: number;
interface Circle {
kind: "circle";
radius: number;
type Shape = Square | Rectangle | Circle;
function area(s: Shape) {
switch (s.kind) {
case "square": return s.size * s.size;
case "rectangle": return s.height * s.width;
case "circle": return Math.PI * s.radius ** 2;
You can also change the types in a generic type function using extends
type TypeName<T> =
T extends string ? "string" :
T extends number ? "number" :
T extends boolean ? "boolean" :
T extends undefined ? "undefined" :
T extends Function ? "function" :
type T0 = TypeName<string>; // "string"
type T1 = TypeName<"a">; // "string"
type T2 = TypeName<true>; // "boolean"
type T3 = TypeName<() => void>; // "function"
type T4 = TypeName<string[]>; // "object"
You can refer this file to check an example where Discriminated Unions and Conditional Types are both used to build strict types.
In this file the Learner Action
has an action_type
and action_customization_args
which are interdependent i.e. the schema of customization args depend on the action type.
So, here first we defined a generic type that changes its type according to the type parameter.
type ActionCustomizationArgs<ActionType> = (
ActionType extends 'ExplorationStart' ?
ExplorationStartCustomizationArgs :
ActionType extends 'AnswerSubmit' ? AnswerSubmitCustomizationArgs :
ActionType extends 'ExplorationQuit' ?
ExplorationQuitCustomizationArgs : never);
Then we built a generic interface for the learner action backend dict.
interface LearnerActionBackendDictBase<ActionType> {
'action_type': ActionType;
'action_customization_args': ActionCustomizationArgs<ActionType>;
'schema_version': number;
Then we defined the strict backend dict interfaces to avoid exporting the generic type.
export type ExplorationStartLearnerActionBackendDict = (
export type AnswerSubmitLearnerActionBackendDict = (
export type ExplorationQuitLearnerActionBackendDict = (
export type LearnerActionBackendDict = (
ExplorationStartLearnerActionBackendDict |
AnswerSubmitLearnerActionBackendDict |
Similarly, we can create a base class for learner action.
class LearnerActionBase<ActionType> {
public readonly actionType: ActionType,
public actionCustomizationArgs: ActionCustomizationArgs<ActionType>,
public schemaVersion: number) {}
toBackendDict(): LearnerActionBackendDictBase<ActionType> {
return {
action_type: this.actionType,
action_customization_args: this.actionCustomizationArgs,
schema_version: this.schemaVersion,
export class ExplorationStartLearnerAction extends
LearnerActionBase<'ExplorationStart'> {}
export class AnswerSubmitLearnerAction extends
LearnerActionBase<'AnswerSubmit'> {}
export class ExplorationQuitLearnerAction extends
LearnerActionBase<'ExplorationQuit'> {}
export type LearnerAction = (
ExplorationStartLearnerAction |
AnswerSubmitLearnerAction |
And now, finally, the object factory can create domain objects based on the action_type
in the backend dict.
export class LearnerActionObjectFactory {
learnerActionBackendDict: LearnerActionBackendDict): LearnerAction {
switch (learnerActionBackendDict.action_type) {
case 'ExplorationStart':
return new ExplorationStartLearnerAction(
case 'AnswerSubmit':
return new AnswerSubmitLearnerAction(
case 'ExplorationQuit':
return new ExplorationQuitLearnerAction(
const invalidBackendDict: never = learnerActionBackendDict;
throw new Error(
'Backend dict does not match any known action type: ' +
Passing invalid combinations of action_type
and customization_args
to the createFromBackendDict
function would throw typescript errors, and that's what we want.
We are working to enable strict mode checks for all TypeScript code in the codebase. This is because code that passes these checks has several benefits:
- The code becomes more self-documenting
- Edge cases are caught, thus reducing potential runtime errors
- The written code will be more robust
The following list illustrates some common TypeScript issues encountered in the Oppia codebase and explains how to update the code in each case, in order to support strict type-checking.
Variable <variable name>
implicitly has type 'any' in some locations where its type cannot be determined
The type of variable is not defined explicitly and hence typescript assigns it an ‘any’ type. This violates the noImplicitAny rule of strict mode.
describe('Test winnowing preprocessing functions', () => {
var service; // error
beforeEach(() => {
service = new WinnowingPreprocessingService();
To solve this, the variable is explicitly assigned the type it belongs to. In some cases in the Oppia codebase, we may need to import the Interface, Class or Type as it is not imported in the file before.
In this example, the service was of type WinnowingPreprocessingService
describe('Test winnowing preprocessing functions', () => {
var service: WinnowingPreprocessingService;
beforeEach(() => {
service = new WinnowingPreprocessingService();
The following scenario arises when we are dealing with the need to specify the type of a variable of a constant.
var errors; // noImplicitAny Violation
errors = ObjectDomainConstants.NUMBER_WITH_UNIT_PARSING_ERRORS;
The way we can specify the type of a constant variable is by using typeof <constant>
var: errors: typeof ObjectDomainConstants.NUMBER_WITH_UNITS_PARSING_ERRORS;
errors = ObjectDomainConstants.NUMBER_WITH_UNITS_PARSING_ERRORS;
Type null is not assignable to type <type name>
The strictNullChecks rule disallows assigning null
and undefined
as a value until the type is explicitly marked.
In the following example taken from the codebase, ruleObjectFactory
is of type RuleObjectFactory
. Since it was not explicitly assigned the type null
, the compiler throws an error when we try to assign it the value null
describe('RuleObjectFactory', () => {
let ruleObjectFactory: RuleObjectFactory = null; // error
In some cases that arise throughout the Oppia codebase as in this example, we can simply remove the null
value assignment.
describe('RuleObjectFactory', () => {
let ruleObjectFactory: RuleObjectFactory;
The strictNullChecks rule does not pass and the value null
or undefined
is being passed to a function.
private savedMemento: string = null; // error
setStateNameSavedMemento(stateName: string): void {
this.savedMemento = stateName;
The first course of action to be taken is to try and refactor the code in a way that adding null
or undefined
may not be needed.
We cannot refactor the code since the initial value of savedMemento
has to be null
If refactoring may not be an option as in the example above, we can convert the type to a union and add the type null
private savedMemento: string | null = null;
setStateNameSavedMemento(stateName: string | null ): void {
this.savedMemento = stateName;
In situations where the type can be undefined
and cannot be refactored. The following errors can occur:
Object is possibly undefined
Argument of type <type1> | undefined
is not assignable to parameter of type <type1>
We would need to analyze the behavior of the code when undefined
is actually returned.
Consider the following example:
var height = shadowPreviewCard.height();
return (height > 630); // error
is a jQuery selector and height()
will return the height of an element and undefined
if the element does not exist.
height() will only return undefined if shadowPreviewCard Selector does not exist. By analyzing the code, we come to know that the css classes do exist in the directives html code and were put there for the exact purpose of checking the height of the card. Hence, the selector will be valid, and the undefined case will never occur in this part of the code.
Hence, to make sure the code behaves the way it is supposed to, we should throw an error if height()
ever returns undefined
var height = shadowPreviewCard.height();
if (typeof height === undefined) {
throw new Error("Shadow Preview Card Selector does not exist");
return (height > 630);
File: https://github.com/oppia/oppia/blob/develop/core/templates/domain/topic/topic-summary.model.ts
Using ?
before assigning values to properties makes them optional, which means that they can have type undefined alongside whichever type they were assigned.
For example, can_edit_topic
is implicitly of type boolean | undefined
// These properties are optional because they are only present in the
// topic summary dict of topic dashboard page.
'can_edit_topic'?: boolean;
'is_published'?: boolean;
'classroom'?: string;
topicSummaryBackendDict. can_edit_topic, // error
topicSummaryBackendDict.is_published, // error
topicSummaryBackendDict.classroom, // error
If possible, we should try to refactor the code so that undefined
may not be needed.
If not, the fix to this error will be to add | undefined
at places where these properties have been used i.e. at the point of declaration and at return types of functions as shown below
public canEditTopic: boolean | undefined,
public isPublished: boolean | undefined,
public classroom: string | undefined,
getClassroom(): string | undefined {
return this.classroom;
isTopicPublished(): boolean | undefined {
return this.isPublished;
Element implicitly has an ‘any’ type because expression of type ‘string’ can’t be used to index type ‘{ }’. No index signature with a parameter of type ‘string’ was found on type ‘{ }’.
This situation or a variant of it arises in a significant number of files in the Oppia codebase when working with dictionaries. The following error arises because there is no explicit type mentioned for the key-value pairs of the dictionary. Hence the type of value returned for the specific key cannot be determined and ends up implicitly with type any
which is not allowed in typescript strict mode.
In the example, nodeTitles
had type {}
with no explicit mention of the types of key-value pairs and nodes[ ].getId()
returns a string
var nodes = this._nodes;
var nodeTitles = {};
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
// nodes[i].getId() -> returns string
let title = nodeTitles[nodes[i].getId()]; //error
We need to explicitly mention the type of key-value pair/s present in the dictionary.
For simple dictionaries, this can be done by using the utility type Record<Keys, Type>
Note: An interface should be declared for more complicated dictionaries and anything that is used at more than one place except the following:
Native types
Utility Types (e.g. Partial<Type>
, Pick<Type, Keys>, Record<Keys, Type>
) -- see this guide.
var nodes = this._nodes;
var nodeTitles: Record<string,string> = {};
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
// nodes[i].getId() -> returns string
let title = nodeTitles[nodes[i].getId()];
When we use Object.keys()
it returns type string[ ]
and not type <constant key>[ ]
which causes the error above whenever we try to use any of the key values where it expects a value of type <constant key>
and instead gets type string
var keys = Object.keys(ObjectsDomainConstants.CURRENCY_UNITS);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
let baseUnitValue = (
ObjectsDomainConstants.CURRENCY_UNITS[keys[i]].base_unit); // error
The potential fix to this error is to explicitly identify the type of key values to be of those properties present in the constant, declare a type for it and then use it as a type assertion for the keys.
type CurrencyUnitKeys = (
keyof typeof ObjectDomainConstants.CURRENCY_UNITS)[];
var keys = (
<CurrencyUnitsKeys> Object.keys(ObjectsDomainConstants.CURRENCY_UNITS)
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
let baseUnitValue = (
Reference: PR-12642
Argument of type 'string[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number[]'
This error specifies that a wrong type cannot be assigned to some variable of type string[].
Using Object.keys()
returns some value of type string[]
but usage of variable for assignment at other places asks for it to be a number[]
var existingNumSpaces = Object.keys(numSpacesToDesiredIndentLevel);
The fix to this error will be to check the usage of variable at certain places and map
it to number
as shown below.
var existingNumSpaces = Object.keys(
‘this’ implicitly has type ‘any’ because it does not have a type annotation.
Considering the following code, it violates noImplicitThis
describe('High bounce rate task model', function() {
beforeEach(() => {
this.config = ( // error
new ExplorationImprovementConfig(‘eid’, 1, true, 0.25, 0.20, 100));
The way to handle this is by initializing the variables and their types and removing this
before each call to that variable.
describe('High bounce rate task model', function() {
let config: ExplorationImprovementsConfig;
beforeEach(() => {
config = (
new ExplorationImprovementConfig(‘eid’, 1, true, 0.25, 0.20, 100));
Reference: #12642
Property <PropertyName>
has no initializer and is definitely not assigned in the constructor
The strictPropertyInitialization rule enforces that the properties are assigned either in the constructor or with a property initializer and due to this, the following situation may occur.
@Input() options: CodeMirrorMergeViewOptions; // error
@ViewChild(CodemirrorComponent) codemirrorComponent: CodemirrorComponent; //error
codemirror: CodeMirror.Editor; // error
Angular lifecycle hooks are used to populate the values inside the codebase. To solve this case, we will be using the non-null (!) assertion operator which asserts that the object is non-null and non-undefined. Always make sure to only assert variables that we know are initialized at the creation of the class, for example in the constructor or in ngOnInit
In some cases it is fine to use null
, but only if it logically makes sense and when the null
represents some logical value.
@Input() options!: CodeMirrorMergeViewOptions;
@ViewChild(CodemirrorComponent) codemirrorComponent!: CodemirrorComponent;
codemirror!: CodeMirror.Editor;
Type 'key' cannot be used as an index type.
This error occurs when a value that is possibly undefined/unknown/any is used to index an object or array. To solve the error, use the correct typing to make sure the value is known before indexing the object or array. Using a wrong type for indexing would also lead to this error.
In the example, property hashIndex
had a type unknown
kGramHashes: number[], T: number, K: number): number[][] {
var fingerprint: number[][] = [];
var fingerprintHashesIndex = [1, 2, 3, 4];
fingerprintHashesIndex.forEach((hashIndex: unknown) => {
fingerprint.push([kGramHashes[hashIndex], hashIndex]); // error
The potential fix to this error is to remove the use of unknown
and correctly mention the type of hashIndex
fingerprintHashesIndex.forEach((hashIndex: number) => {
fingerprint.push([kGramHashes[hashIndex], hashIndex]);
The operand of a 'delete' operator must be optional.
This error occurs when using the delete
operator with strictNullChecks. Since a property cannot be implemented after deletion, its type is set to undefined. So, the property must contain undefined as a type, otherwise the delete operator leads to an error.
export class OutcomeDestinationEditorComponent implements OnInit {
outcomeNewStateName: string;
ngOnInit(): void {
delete this.outcomeNewStateName; // error
One of the potential fixes to this error is to assign undefined
as a type but we generally try to avoid it's usage because it does not represent or give proper information about the actual situation.
So, in this case, we choose to use null
rather than undefined
. Since the delete operator makes a property unusable, null
is a better representation of emptiness or unusability and property is now no longer implemented.
export class OutcomeDestinationEditorComponent implements OnInit {
outcomeNewStateName: string | null;
ngOnInit(): void {
this.outcomeNewStateName = null;